"Whirring whirring……"

He Jiankang collapsed to the ground, breathing in fresh air.

However, his eyes looked at Junci in uncontrollable horror.

Under the dim lights of the clubhouse, Jun Ci stood with his tall figure against the light, causing He Jiankang to see Jun Ci's face clearly.

He could only vaguely see that group of black shadows, the substantial killing intent emanating from it.

He Jiankang, who has never been a threat to others, is the first time he has truly experienced what it means to walk from the line of death.

He felt that the boy in front of him really wanted to kill him!

this is too scary.

"You should thank you for the society under the rule of law."

The young man put his hand back in his pocket casually, walked in front of the Grand Master's chair, and took the knife back.

He Jiankang shivered when he saw the brightness of the knife reflected by the light when it was put in her pocket.

Jun Ci walked up to him with a perfect and touching smile.

If it's someone else, I'm afraid I can't help it and want to bow to her perfect face.

However, He Jiankang, who had just gone through the death line, seemed to look good, it was also a fierce and evil face!

He saw Jun Ci smiling at him, and all the guts in his heart were gone, and some were only panic. After taking two steps back, his calves trembled and his voice trembled: "You...what do you want to do?"

He Jiankang really regrets now.

Don't say that he is a man of great power, and when someone really wants to kill him, his heart is immediately perplexed.

Anything else to be prestigious and arrogant is impossible.

What's more, Jun Ci is a crown prince. With his aura alone, he doesn't know how many times it has crushed He Jiankang. From a condescending look down, for a moment, He Jiankang thought he was a mouse living in the dark in the stinking ditch.

"What do I want to do? Isn't it what He wants to do?"

As soon as the cold and deep words came out, He Jiankang instantly remembered that he had asked someone to tie Jun Ci back.

Thinking about the appearance of Junci just now, and comparing it to the present, He Jiankang still didn't understand that Junci was deliberate.

He instantly thought, dare not to sell his face and insist on putting the movie against Wanxian. Such a person is not simple in itself. He Jiankang, when did he think about things and his mind was so simple?

He was immediately frightened. At this time, the cold sweat had soaked his entire fat body, and a fine silk pajamas had been ruined.

"Jun... Master Jun joked."

He Jiankang was stunned at this time, and his heart turned, and he knew that he had changed his mind.

However, his mind turned quickly, and Jun Ci didn't sell his face: "He said what he said just now, saying that as long as I follow you, you are willing to let my movie be released as scheduled, and you are willing to lower Wanxian's schedule, my God, What a great honor!"

She opened her thin lips together, and said funny words, but He Jiankang's heart was tightened.

Sweating coldly, he no longer knew what to do.

Suddenly, Jun Ci took out the knife again and squatted down in front of He Jiankang. The cold blade patted He Jiankang’s fat face. He was so scared that He Jiankang had to pee on the spot: "I know you He is your ability, but He Ye, you have been in the imperial capital for so long. I believe you must have grown your mind. I'm not sure that you will come to you? He Jiankang, this time I will teach you a lesson. Next time, you will definitely not want to know the consequences. "


With a sneer, Jun Ci got up and left openly.

If it weren't for the crowds of people outside, she would know that she did it when she killed someone and the fool would have some unnecessary trouble.

Otherwise, she really doesn't mind doing it, but this kind of mindlessness is just frightened and frightened, and she can't bring up the interest in letting her do it.

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