After Jun Ci and Jiang Yi left, Jiang Yi was a little puzzled outside the door: "What are you doing here?"

Jun Ci looked at him, his eyes lightly: "What are you doing here? By the way? I remember you never go here."

The person who was going to be choked at first didn't care: "Just want to leave, do you care about me?"


With a soft sound, the grunting voice in my mind rang: "His Royal Highness, is it really wrong with Zhang Family? Zhang Nian is like a flea, too annoying."

"Zhang Changming and Fu Cuihua didn't have to jump. This time it is enough to teach Zhang a lesson."

Now Junci also began to hesitate. The main reason she kept the Zhang family was to see if the person behind him would contact the Zhang family.

There is no movement now. Could it be that I am thinking something wrong?

After so many years, the other party didn't care about this for a long time?


Seeing that Junci was still wandering, Jiang Yi stabbed Junci's elbow a little unhappily. Junci was impatient: "You are so annoying."

Jiang Yi: "..."

TMD is the first time he has ever heard someone say such things when he grows up.

Thanks to no one next to him, Jiang Yi's heart has been tempered, and he can barely regard it as if he hadn't heard this little bastard's life.

He asked nonchalantly: "Are you back to school now?"

Jun Ci shook his head: "No reply."

She is going to register the company.

When Jiang Yi heard that this was the case, he immediately said that he wanted to go with him.

Jun Ci did not stop him either.

On the way there, I was discussing with Gulu what to do with Gu Ziyi and Zhang Nian.

This matter was provoked by these two people, and it was definitely not the style of Junci.

When the trouble is big, the reputation of Junci will be destroyed, and the future will be involved. Therefore, Junci can start without mercy.

She asked Gulu to anonymously submit the evidence of Gu Ziyi Unicom's external school member's frame of Junci to the leader of Longfu School, disguised as an anonymous whistleblower.

Although the school suspected that Junci might have done it, it could not provide evidence.

This matter is said to be a framing, but it is actually an introductory post. It is reasonable to say that there is nothing to do, but because the influence involved is not good, and a very deadly evidence was submitted in the email, Gu Ziyi is mentally ill.

This can be regarded as a very scary thing.

In fact, Junci felt something was wrong when she first saw this girl.

After Gulu checked, it turned out that she was stubborn and had serious mental symptoms of paranoia and violence. She had seen many psychiatrists, had studied abroad since she was a child, and had even put a girl in the hospital.

After returning home, there was no news at all, thanks to her having powerful parents.

What happened this time was that Junci refused to confess in the morning, and began to post to attack Junci in the afternoon, and the attitude of ruining him if he did not get it was very obvious.

Although I don’t pay attention to personality discrimination now, such serious symptoms are not suitable for continuing to stay in Longfu, and Longfu is an institution of higher learning. The discovery of this incident has broken Gu Ziyi’s path to a certain extent. .

In their circle, secrets cannot be hidden.

This matter will be exposed sooner or later.

How did she treat Junci, Junci only used her own way to treat her.

As for Zhang Nian...

This person resolved it much more smoothly, and any small matter could make Zhang Nian feel collapsed.

But what I didn't expect was that Gu Ziyi took the place of Jun Ci.

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