The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 433: Silori and Manan

The process of registering a company is troublesome, and Junci runs the data all afternoon.

Guru can help her get most of the information, but if you need to autograph the information, you can ask Jun Ci to run.

A company needs many documents. The key is that apart from Junci serving as the chairman, there must be at least one person in basic positions, such as deputy general manager.

Junci was planning to let Mo Chaoyang join the company, so he asked for a copy of their ID card, and each person had an identity.

Jiang Yi found it interesting to start a company, and he brazenly forced a shareholding and demanded the identity of a shareholder.

However, Junci was opened by two companies.

Of course she couldn't show all the cards to others, so she opened two companies.

But because Jiang Yi was there, he knew about it.

The names of the two companies of Junci are ‘Siluoli Technology Company’ and ‘Man An Entertainment Company Limited’.

The names of the two companies seem weird. In fact, the name Silori is a literal translation of Junci's interstellar language, which actually means ‘love you’.

It sounds numb, but it represents a kind of interstellar blessing.

And Man'an, because the last word of the queen's name contains Man, Man'an, and Junci hopes that her mother will be safe and happy after her absence.

Silo Li Junci does not intend to make it public. She puts the newly developed mobile game "Jianghu Life" into Man'an Entertainment Company, including the corresponding smart patents, which are all included in Man'an. As for Silori, Completely concealed, Junci intends to recruit people for secret research, and it will not be born now.

Jiang Yi was a little confused.

Junci didn't explain that he didn't know the meaning of the two companies' names at all. It seemed that Junci randomly picked it up.

It's really unconcerned to choose a company name!

Since opening a company has a standard number of people, Si Luo Li Junci also asked Jiang Yi to assume the position of vice president.

Jiang Yi didn't care about it at all.

The company is registered, and the opening location of Gulu has been rented a long time ago. It is on the 72nd floor of a building on the commercial street and is undergoing renovation.

When the decoration is completed, Junci will take Mo Chaoyang and the others to see it.

After the busy surviving, the company's affairs are settled, and Junci will be regarded as a person with a career in the future.

The reason why Man'an is an entertainment company is that Junci’s film business will also be included in Man'an, and Man'an can be named as a production company, but now the first film of Xianzhong’s life and death has been produced. The next Junci will carry the name of Man'an.

Both companies are registered with a starting capital of 10 million, which is relatively strong.

As for the future development, of course they are different.

Gulu even registered Silori Company abroad, and all of the company's research will be carried out abroad.

It also laid a solid foundation for the mysterious research team behind Junci.

The research is also on the technology of the interstellar age. Gulu can help Junci handle all of this. Junci is currently focusing on fixing the country and is responsible for paying the money.

After everything was set up, Jun Ci and Jiang Yi returned home.

Jiang Yi stayed here again tonight and asked about game development by the way: "I think your game test is pretty good now, and there are no bugs in it so far, so are you going to launch the game at the end of this month? ?"

(BUG-A loophole in the game, or a special program that does not meet the game regulations)

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