The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 440: Can't afford to offend, can't afford to offend!

When I arrived at school at noon, Junci received a message through Gulu.

In the morning, Gu Ziyi and his parents also had a more secret conversation at the principal.

The information that Gulu sent out worked. The school was really worried that such a hidden mental illness was in the school, especially those with violent tendencies.

To let it go is to be irresponsible to other students.

Especially when asked in person, Gu Ziyi's parents still refused to admit it.

Of course, they are all well-known figures. Who wants to admit that his daughter is mentally ill?

Seeing this, the school board certainly disagreed and resolutely expelled Gu Ziyi.

Just to be nice on the surface, to persuade Gu Ziyi to transfer to another school, or to receive treatment.

After all, the students who were expelled by the Dragon Mansion for no reason, most of the other schools will also know the news, unless they go abroad, not many colleges and universities will accept Ziyi.

What's the point of people like them who don’t go to good schools and only go to nearby universities?

Although Gu Ziyi's parents threatened the school, with the power of Long Mansion, how could he care about such a threat.

Under the commercial power, only a temporary result was lost.

If Gu Ziyi is willing to go back to receive treatment, he can only continue studying after the authoritative organization appraisal of recovery.

However, let's not say how long it will take. If it can be cured easily, Gu Ziyi's parents will not try to hide this matter.

So in the end, Gu Ziyi could only leave school.

Of course, other people don't know the reason. When the news is definitely not hidden, it will spread out slowly in the end.

For people in this circle, Gu Ziyi's mental illness may cause serious damage to Gu Ziyi's future. Who knows the truth will dare to marry a mentally ill wife?

After the matter was discussed, Gu Ziyi came out of the office of the board of directors.

Not many people noticed along the way. Gu Ziyi was also a rare beauty in Long Mansion, but it was just a flower. The students who were close here didn't know much about it.

Her mother clenched her wrist, probably because of anger, and unconsciously clenched her a little tightly. Gu Ziyi frowned and said softly, "Mom, you hurt me."

Mother Gu returned to her senses in an instant, feeling a little flustered: "Mom didn't mean it, sorry, does it hurt?"

Even if Gu Ziyi has something like this now, her parents still unconditionally obey Gu Ziyi.

Gu Ziyi shook his head, and the face of the father Gu next to him was gloomy: "Are you planning to go abroad again?"

Gu Ziyi bit his lip when he heard the words, his delicate face was full of reluctance: "I'll go to the Physics Department first."

"What are you going to do over there?"

Mother Gu was a little puzzled.

Gu Ziyi did not speak.

When she arrived at the Physics Department, Junci was already close to the end of get out of class.

"Ding Dang Dang Dang~~"

The melodious piano sounded as the bell for the end of get out of class. All the students in the lecture hall filed out. Yuan Chenyan followed Junci and saw a big beauty standing outside the door.

His expression was a little surprised: "Isn't this the girl who handed you a love letter two days ago?"

Jun Ci had naturally seen Gu Ziyi a long time ago.

To be precise, Gu Ziyi would notify her as soon as he came to grumble.

She was prepared in her heart, not to mention waiting for Jiang Yi, so she calmly said to Yuan Chenyan next to him: "You go first, I have to wait for Jiang Yi here."

Upon hearing Jiang Yi's name, Yuan Chenyan immediately jumped away from Junci like a gust of wind.

Boss Jiang, he can't afford it.

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