The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 441: It's useless to shoot

At the door of the classroom, when he saw Gu Ziyi there, Jun Ci looked at her without speaking.

There were quite a few girls around, who were staring at Jun Ci, but suddenly noticed Gu Ziyi incidentally.

The atmosphere between two people is very curious and... jealous!

How could their male gods be approached by other women?

So many people stayed nearby to watch.

Gu Ziyi doesn't seem to care about the gazes of these people at all. He just looks at Jun Ci, with a quiet and distant gaze. Coupled with her doll-like appearance, people can't imagine that this will be a mentally ill patient suffering from severe violence and paranoia .

"I know you did it."

Her wordless words left others confused.

Of course Junci knows.

The information was what she decided to disclose, and the information was reported by Guru.

There is nothing wrong with pushing it on her.

But let's talk about the issue of acknowledgment first, Gu Ziyi is not qualified to let her say a word now.

The boy's alienated and indifferent gaze crossed Gu Ziyi's body, lightly, as if looking at something unrelated.

Such almost transparent ignorance made Gu Ziyi's body tremble slightly: "But I don't blame you, I did the wrong thing first."

This sentence made Jun Ci want to laugh.

Her tone now seemed as if she was forgiving Jun Ci generously.

"I will not give up."

After she said this, she bowed slightly towards Junci, and then, carrying her bag, Lianbu walked away.

"Who is she?"

"Why is it weird to speak to our school grass?"

"Ehhhhhhh, the department of finance department, it is quite far away, why did you come here and come here to confess to the school?"

"Last time it seemed to have confessed and was rejected by the school grass, but this time you are not reconciled?"

Others talked a lot, all of this Junci treated it as if he hadn't heard it, and only softly said: "Jiang Yi will be here soon."

In an instant, the crowd scattered.


Jiang Yi is really a black society.

Names are so powerful.

Jiang Yi is indeed coming over. I guess I am afraid that Junci will not wait for him after class. He even sent text messages to threaten Junci. Junci squinted on the balcony and watched Jiang Yi stepping on a bicycle slowly.

The last time I drove a sports car on campus, I was scolded by my family. This time I'm a bit more honest, at least I can't be so ostentatious before leaving school.

Jiang Yi's deterrence is indeed very strong. Although that face is invincible, everyone still looks at him as far away as possible. The girls are just not far away as idiots. Unlike Junci, they at least dared to come up and say a few words.

As soon as Jiang Yi got downstairs, he waved to Junci: "Hurry up, go!"

Jun Ci went downstairs now.

Other students have long been surprised by this situation.

In other words, since Jun Xiaocao entered the school, apart from a dog-legged friend Yuan Chenyan who often followed her, Jiang Yi probably had the best relationship with her.

Although this group of classmates didn't know how Jiang Yi and Jun Ci met, and the relationship could be so good, now Jiang Yi doesn't even follow his other three iron brothers very much.

However, Jiang Yi hasn't done much to do things like scourge of society since he followed Junci.

After going downstairs, Jun Ci followed Jiang Yi to the parking lot, and took his car back together.

There have been paparazzi in her neighborhood recently, and they are all directed at Ke Weiwei. Every time he sees Jiang Yi’s iconic vehicle and people entering, the paparazzi knows to put down the camera and behave in a low-key manner.

Because it's useless to shoot.

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