The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 443: No matter what

Although the method of Guru treatment is a bit unscientific...

No, it's a scientific treatment technique, but now people can't do it to this point.

But it can only alleviate the pain, and it has not yet reached the stage where it can cure any cancer.

Jun Ci pretended to be rubbing Jiang Yi's stomach, and glanced at Jiang Yi with his light eyes: "You think it is."

It was obvious that Jun Ci couldn't understand his joke. Jiang Yi curled his lips. After being rubbed by Jun Ci, he was indeed more comfortable.

His intestines and stomach have been too delicate since he was a child, but what he eats is too delicate. Sometimes a slight error can cause stomach discomfort, but it is not stomach trouble.

The doctor also said there was nothing serious.

He was wearing black pajamas, and Jun Ci could feel the contradictory feeling of hardness and softness in Jiang Yi's abdomen when he flicked his fingers.

Because Jiang Yi has abdominal muscles.

She has it herself, but girls have less natural abdominal muscles than boys.

This pig Jiang Yi eats and sleeps all day long, and plays games when he sleeps. How did the abdominal muscles come from?

This thought makes me distracted.

Jiang Yi came up comfortably and felt a little sleepy.

He squinted his eyes a little sleepily, looking through the dim light of the bedside, the young man under the light had a face as white as enamel, which was not true at all.

It really feels like coming out of a comic.

People used to describe him this way, but today I feel that Junci is more suitable than him for the words of the noble son who came out of the comics.

The young man yawned a little sleepily, even if she did such a move, she was so graceful that her slender fingers were blocking her mouth, and her eyes were almost squinted.

Jiang Yi was also sleepy. When he was about to fall asleep, he felt the stroke of his body stop.

It was a little uncomfortable at once.

"Jiang Yi?"

Jun Ci yelled, seeing Jiang Yi closing his eyes, thinking he was asleep.

She herself was sleepy. She used to be too vigilant in the interstellar age. Now she relaxes here. She hardly has the habit of getting up in the middle of the night. Now that she wakes up, she is a little uncomfortable.

Who knows that Jiang Yi heard her voice and did not open his eyes. Suddenly he stretched out his hand to grab her arm and put it on his stomach. He also symbolically held her wrist and rubbed it twice. The meaning was obvious, let her carry on.

Junci: "..."

The one who can describe it is Jiang Yi.

"If it doesn't hurt, I won't rub it."

Jun Ci got up and was about to leave. Jiang Yi slightly reluctantly murmured: "I'm almost falling asleep, you can rub it for me again..."

Junci: "..."

The crown prince waits on you, his face is as big as a basin!

It was like this in his heart, Jun Ci didn't know what was going on, he froze for a while, then sat down, and continued to rub Jiang Yi's stomach a few times with a slight movement.

Jiang Yi fell asleep within a few minutes, and turned over heartily after falling asleep.

Jun Ci suddenly stopped, yawned, and went back to the room to rest.

Guru wanted to talk, but it felt weird about the situation now.

It has also accepted a lot of knowledge about the earth now, so now I always feel that your Highness is like this, it seems that something is getting wrong.

His Highness still feels like his Highness, but I always feel that something has changed.

The current Highness, no longer bound by the rules of the previous interstellar, does not need to maintain her supreme power, the whole person relaxes, it seems that there is a touch of...human touch?

Well, in fact, such a highness is quite good, no matter what it becomes, Guru likes it.

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