Because of what happened last night, Jiang Yi took a leave of absence and did not go to class.

Junci has no class.

She notified Mo Chaoyang and went to see the site of the new company.

Because it was going to the company, Fu Ziyan and the others were very excited.

Mo Chaoyang was a Junci driving a sports car.

The conditions of their three families are not bad, because they came early, Junci asked them to come upstairs to have tea and sit for a while.

When I came to Junci's house for the first time, several people were quite nervous and curious.

Gu Ziyi made people post a post to slander Junci and it was quite annoying, even though it was clarified that there were still suspicions.

For example, how Junci cooperated with other foreign teams at a young age is always a mystery.

They know that Junci's family conditions are not very good, but now it seems that Junci has a distinctly generous appearance. It can only be said that Junci should have made a lot of money by relying on novels and videos.

Indeed, in addition to these two, anti-theft software is the bulk of Junci's earnings.

"Master Porcelain."

"Jun porcelain."

"Jun porcelain."

After coming to Junci's home, the spacious rooms are no worse than theirs. After all, with such expensive housing prices in the Imperial Capital, it is not easy to rent such a luxurious apartment building here.

Several people sat down, and Jun Ci greeted Li Ma to pour them a cup of scented tea.

"If you want to drink juice or tea, just tell Ma Li, you have everything."

Junci speaks first, while preparing company information and some contracts.

Seeing her flipping through the white documents, Mo Chaoyang took a curious look: "Is this our company information?"

Junci nodded: "Now is just the beginning. We are all students. We don't necessarily have too much time to be busy with the company. During this time, we have to recruit people from outside, and then the main server of the game will be moved to the company. "

Upon hearing this, Mo Chaoyang hesitated: "Will it be bad if no one is guarding the blue?"

Blue is an intelligent program, it can solve most of the things, but it has to be controlled by someone.

Mo Chaoyang was afraid that in case they had no insiders, other people who came to the company would have bad thoughts after they learned about the blue intelligent program.

"will not."

Jun Ci looked at him with a smile as if he had everything in his hands: "Lan Lan has someone to guard when it comes. It is trustworthy."

She allows Gulu to connect to Lan Lan at any time, and it will be a ghost if someone can touch Lan Lan.

Hearing what Jun Ci said, Mo Chaoyang also relieved his heart.

"Junci, I was yesterday..."

At this moment, Jiang Yi suddenly opened the door and came out.

Seeing several people sitting in the living room, he swallowed the rest of the words into his stomach.

When Fu Ziyan saw Jiang Yi, they were shocked.

One after another nervously faced him, as if seeing some big boss, they all shouted: "Boss Jiang!"

Jun Ci became more and more suspicious that Jiang Yi was so jealous that he had done things in the dark society.

Seeing these people, Jiang Yi would be calmer, nodded coldly, and went into the bathroom to wash.

In fact, he just woke up and got up with a mess of hair. Although it doesn't hurt his appearance, the situation is a bit subtle.

The eyes of everyone suddenly turned to Junci with some enthusiasm.

The boss of the school lives in Junci's house, which is much more terrifying than the previous rumors that the two people played well.

At least this news is even more terrifying.

The relationship between the two people is probably not so good.

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