The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 445: The dog raised is so interesting

Jun Ci had to calm down a lot, and there was no time to explain to them why Jiang Yi lived here.

Just talked to them about some company matters.

When it comes to entrepreneurship, everyone's attention immediately shifts, and everyone is concerned about it.

Jun Ci obviously has no experience in this aspect, but when she speaks, there is always a force that can calm people's hearts without rush.

The words spoken made Mo Chaoyang and the others feel very insightful.

Mo Chaoyang felt more and more wise for him to join Junci's camp so quickly.

When Jiang Yi came out of the bathroom, they were almost done.

Seeing Jiang Yi coming out, Mo Chaoyang's several people who were talking before suddenly closed their mouths.

After Jiang Yi entered his bedroom without squinting eyes, the few people felt relieved.

Jun Ci found it funny: "Are you so afraid of him?"

"I'm not afraid..."

Fu Ziyan first spoke in embarrassment, "After all, Boss Jiang's face is really beautiful."

Han Quan and Mo Chaoyang: "..."

The two boys turned dark, and Mo Chaoyang coughed slightly and said, "Probably because of family pressure."

What he said was rather vague, but Jun Ci understood it.

Jiang Yi's family background and their family background are not of the same magnitude at all.

If people like Han Quan and the others are placed in ordinary prestigious universities, they are also influential figures.

But in Longfu, they are very ordinary.

And the figures of the Dragon Mansion, such as Jiang Yi, are completely different from them.

To say something bad, that is, it is their honor for Jiang Yi to talk to them.

The huge Jiang family in the imperial capital has been stationed for hundreds of years, and its ancient heritage and the monstrous power passed down cannot be contended by these ordinary families.

As the only prince of the Jiang family now, the identity gap is too great.

Don't say that everyone is equal in modern society, it's all for ordinary people.

Those who really understand know that only when they are powerful can stand at the top of the pyramid.

It's just that people like them are extremely far away from ordinary people.

If it weren't for the current Junci, if she had the same identity as the previous Junci, she would be dealt with as soon as she approached Jiang Yi.

Because of completely unequal status.

It can only be said that some things are very strange, so they happen.

Jiang Yi is actually not very bad, but his status is too high and his temper is not very good, so most of the people in Longfu dare not provoke him.

This is also the main reason for his reputation.

It is no wonder that Mo Chaoyang and the others are under great pressure when they see Jiang Yi.

It is purely identity suppression.

Jun Ci didn't continue to say anything. Jiang Yi had already registered the company with her last time. This time she would not go, so she took a few people to leave.

However, when I left, the piano had to follow Jun Ci out of life and death, and when I didn't take it out, I would scream at her in the elevator, just like a kid.

Fu Ziyan couldn't help but sneer at the time: "The dog raised by Mrs. Jiang is so funny."

They knew that this dog was raised by Mr. Jiang.

It’s just that I didn’t expect that Boss Jiang, who always looks particularly cool and domineering, would raise a husky...

I always feel that the style of painting is very unsuitable.

Seeing the piano playing tricks, Jun Ci snorted and asked Li Ma to give her the traction rope and put it around the piano's neck. The piano happily flung its tail into the elevator.

When he left, he also waved at Li Ma with his front paws.

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