The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 473: Treat you guys to a super big meal

Jun Ci shattered these people's dreams with a single sentence, and they seemed to be reminded of something.

Oh my goodness, this is just a movie!

They were all fascinated, as if they had been immersed in the vast and mysterious world.

There, the reality is happening in all kinds of things, just like their world.

They just watched a grand story!


Someone stood up with a trembling tone: "I, I want a second brush, I didn't see clearly!"

"I want a second brush, I want to watch it now!"

"Buy tickets, buy tickets!"

"Is this really domestic, my mother?"

Some people are completely addicted to it, saying that they can't see the plot clearly, they just want to play the movie again.

A part of them became sober very quickly, and couldn't believe that the domestically produced films had reached this point.

For example, if you compare it with normal conditions, the ratings of domestically produced special effects blockbusters are all on the 50 to 60 level.

Even worse.

And Hollywood commercial special effects blockbusters can undoubtedly hit 80 to 90.

However, this immortal record of life and death directly let the audience see what is called an awesome movie with a score of 95 or more.

Why not 100 points?

The emperor will continue to make movies in the future!

The huge impact made them ecstatic in an instant, and they took out their mobile phones without hesitation and wanted to perform a second swipe.

Just watch it again.

I looked at the ticket, oops, there is no good place, then no matter if you sit in the corner, you have to watch this movie again!

With the enthusiastic welcome of the audience, Jun Ci and Jiang Yi left here.

Fu Ziyan and Mo Chaoyang were both still unfinished: "Porcelain...Jun Porcelain, can you read it again?"

Jun Ci was a little surprised: "Look at it?"

Yuan Chenyan nodded frantically, Jiang Yi and the others were better, Ji Moyin was straightforward: "Look again!"

Can actually capture the heart of this young man.

Junci: "..."

She didn't want to watch it.

To be honest, although the film was shot by her, the quality is indeed good.

But for so long to go around for the movie, she has watched it five or six times just after the film.

I really don't want to watch it.

She looked down at the time. Jiang Yi saw that she hesitated, so he took the initiative to speak, "Look at it, Jun Ci and I are leaving first."

Jing Fuxiao and Xia Yunhan also followed up: "We are leaving too."

The three of them are of the kind who are not interested in movies. Junci's movie is really good, but it is not enough to keep them fascinated.

Only Ji Moyin may be interested in this movie genre.

Ji Moyin waved his hand: "Okay, then you go back first, and I will take them to see."

Jun Ci also nodded: "That's it."

Ji Moyin and the others continued to buy tickets to watch, but it was late after all. There were only two shows in the early morning of the premiere. At first glance, the tickets for the second show were almost sold.

It's not enough for them to watch together.

Several people felt a little regretful, and Fu Ziyan immediately said: "It's over, I won't be able to fall asleep after I go back, such a wonderful movie, I really want to watch it twice immediately!"

While speaking, she also gave Jun Ci a thumbs up.

After all, it was made by Master Porcelain.

Too beautiful!

They also accepted all their praise of Junci, and made a promise at that time: "If the box office of the movie blows up, please have a super meal."

A super meal, it must be expensive.

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