The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 474: Sure enough, is our Wanxian so pretty?

Fu Ziyan cheered immediately.

In the end, everyone had to go home separately. Because it was too late, Jiang Yi went back with Jun Ci.

Just coming out of the cinema, the weather outside was chilly, but it was still very lively outside.

For such a city that never sleeps, the early morning is the busiest time.

Jiang Yi drove the car, just after the movie, and after his sleep time, he was still in good spirits. Seeing Junci next to him was already yawning, he looked like he was going to sleep at any time, and he was a little surprised: "Don't pay attention to your movie. Can you still sleep?"

Today is the premiere, which can directly affect the time when Junci’s film is not bursting, but ordinary people have long been anxiously squeezing their hair.

Jun Ci is still like a okay person.

"What does it have to do with me sleeping?"

Being blown by the wind makes it even more sleepy.

Jun Ci yawned, "I know all of your reactions. My movie is a success."

In fact, I knew it would succeed.

It's also rare that Jiang Yi didn't raise the bar with her, and nodded in agreement: "It's really pretty."

At least in terms of special effects, this movie has a magical power that makes people second-hand.

He is still a producer.

Thinking of this, Jiang Yi was a little proud of it: "If your film bursts, it will be my thanks. I have a producer on it."

When his name came out, the classmates from behind looked at him, tusk tusk.


This man, shameless!

After returning home, because Junci was really sleepy, she slept first.

On the contrary, the Internet has exploded lively.

At such an important moment as the premiere, Ke Weiwei, who was on the cusp of the two movies at the time, was of course even more excited.

In order to support the emperor, she didn't say how much abuse she had suffered so many days.

However, the moment she came out of the cinema, the tears on her face because of her indulging in the plot hadn't dried yet.

However, she knew that she had won.

Her circle of friends, Weibo comments, and forum comments directly exploded.

The hot scene of the movie theater at this time has said everything.

"I bought a ticket for the movie of "Xianzhong's Life and Death Recording."

"Online tickets are all booked, fucking, hurry up and buy daytime tickets!"


"R, I'm not going to buy a ticket soon. The field starts to fill up during the day and afternoon. Is this crazy? Are you all the beasts who don't sleep in the middle of the night?"

"Ahhhhh, the Golden Field is almost full of MMP!!!"

The face of the lady who sells tickets in the movie theater is cracking.

"I'm sorry, the tickets for the 3 o'clock show tomorrow afternoon are sold out, and there are still at 10 o'clock in the morning. You need... ah no more, sorry! Can you see the tickets for the day after tomorrow?"

"The tickets for tomorrow night at seven are sold out! I'm really sorry"

"What breaks the movie theater, can you arrange more sessions?"

"Yes, I will. Our cinema will continue to increase the number of shows. I'm really sorry this lady."


One after another, the sound resounded in the major cinemas, ten minutes after the end of the record of life and death in the immortal.

Online comments on this matter have not yet fully exploded. Generally, some people will start to write comments halfway through the opening of a movie.

This movie is completely addictive. From start to finish, who has time to write reviews online?

As for the people who came out of Wanxian Cinema, they were shocked when they saw the hot scene of the cinema.

Seeing what those people were talking about with excitement, Wanxian's fans were the first to think: Wow, is our Wanxian so pretty?

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