The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 645: The emperor said this is a comedy

However, what happened to the crew that day was still posted online.

It's just that the videos taken are blocked by Junci.


I know all entertainment gossip. V: On the first day of Hongmeng’s start-up today, the set was filmed next to the crew of the Republic of China drama "Splendid Mountains and Rivers". Yes, it was the one in which Xiao Xian Rou Zong Yan participated. It is said that Zong Yan was on the first day. The emperor was offended, and the scene broke the news and laughed to death, but with the principle of not saying much, you guess slowly, I can only reveal one. The emperor watched Zongyan acting and asked himself if they were making comedies. , The staff who broke the news are almost laughing to death [Laughing to roll.JPG]

——So friends, when the emperor said so, you know that the show Jinxiu Shanhe cannot be watched

--comedy? Hahahahahahaha, this wave of the emperor is almost a crit hahahahahaha

——What about the IQ struggle of the tall underground party? EXM, comedy?

——It can be directly described as a comedy by the director of a blockbuster, how hard is Zong Yan's acting skills...

——Zongyan’s brain-dead fan also scolded the emperor at the scene, I really don’t know what they think

——Our Zongyan worked so hard, so why do you talk about him!

-Offend the emperor? Isn’t Zongyan’s vibe background deep? The emperor seems to have a background, I really don’t know who can win this wave

On the Internet, Zong Yan belongs to the kind of passers-by who are popular but ridicule. Whenever he sees his black material, it is always a pleasure to see.

And this big V explosion is basically true, but when it comes out, it still makes many people who eat melon laugh.

Splendid Mountain and River is also a big drama that has attracted much attention recently. I didn't expect that the two crews of Hongmeng World would have such big material on the first day of filming.

It's on the hot search easily.


There must be a lot of confusion about this hot search, and even want to curse.

How can Splendid Mountain River be a comedy?

People are a high IQ drama!

It's a pity to click in. The emperor is based on Zong Yan's acting skills, which is immediately subtle.

Zongyan's acting skills are not good, this is a fact.

But it was directly mocked by the emperor as a comedy, how terrible is the acting...

Although the navy soon started to give Zongyan a good performance in waves, and then the people who eat melons liked it, and they didn't believe in navy for a long time.

Is the acting good or not, are they still blind?

"Ouch, I'm a comedy!"

"The emperor really doesn't give Zongyan face, anyway, he is also a first-line niche!"

In the entertainment industry, those who are at odds with Zongyan are basically the kind of laughter.

The director of Jinxiu Shanhe was also a bit ugly. Although the hot search was quickly removed, after all, the emperor was next door.

It's not good to mock it in person.

After Zong Yan returned to the hotel, it was even more ugly to see the online group mocking him, and immediately went to his agent.

"What does he mean? He is against me publicly, right?"

Zong Yan's expression was arrogant, and he pointed to the posture of going downstairs.

Because Junci lives downstairs.

Zong Yan used to belong to that kind of relatively horizontal in school. Although he entered the entertainment industry later because of his image, he was more restrained, but he was not too subdued.

And because of some background, it is quite popular with senior officials of a company. The smooth running in the entertainment industry also makes the agent a headache.

"He just said a word, what can be done if it is spread out? Besides, today you are the first to cause trouble!"

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