The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 646: Go open the box for me!

The agent educated Zong Yan and said with a headache: "Hot search has already spent money to withdraw, and the navy has begun to speak to you. The impact will pass soon, so forget it."

"What counts, I have to settle accounts with him!"

Obviously, Zong Yan was not convinced.

"He likes to play this kind of yin with me, then I will play with him!"

Zong Yan was aggressive, and opened the door to rush downstairs.

The agent pulled him back with a big head: "My ancestor, can you stop, you beat him today, and tomorrow you both will be in the headlines, who do you think netizens will help? It's not you!"

"I care so much, it's enough for me to get angry with me!"

Gulu has been monitoring their conversation, and he uttered a word when he heard this.

Just like this, I still want to vent my anger, I am afraid that the parents who were beaten by the two fists of the Highness will not shout.

"Get out of your breath, you are a social mess, can you use your brain to think about it, if it's not clear, we can come to the dark!"

The agent had no choice but to follow the ancestor, Zong Yan stopped and waited for the agent to give him an idea.

The agent thought with a gloomy face: "You have to catch his black spots, and then let's put them on the Internet to expand, but he is a director, unlike you rely on fame to eat, the black spots that can affect his career are definitely not easy now. Caught, find someone else to disgust him first, just like he disgusts you."

Guru: Ahhh, before that, let Guru be disgusting, you doubt life!

Zong Yan thought for a while, then nodded: "Okay, then you do this."

At this moment, his pet dog rushed over and squatted aside and pulled a pile of poop.

Zong Yan wanted to curse at the time, just "You stupid—"

Suddenly I thought of something, and suddenly smiled, "I am sick of you!"

The agent's heart trembled: "What are you doing?"

Zong Yan didn't answer him, so he wrapped the **** with a tissue and stuffed it into a courier box sent by a fan.

The manager's face is all green.

Then Zong Yan forced his little assistant to dress up as a courier and delivered the courier box to the door of Junci Room.

Wear a hat to hide his identity. Even if he has a camera, he can use his relationship to hide the video.

This is not the first time Zong Yan has done this kind of thing. The little assistant has no choice but to do what he said.

Jun Ci has fallen asleep now, and it is quiet at night.

The little assistant put the things in place, but one person just walked out of the elevator. Because of the close distance, he could see the door of Junci's room at a glance.

The assistant's heart trembled, and the packaged express box fell from his hand. He raised his eyes and saw the person coming out of the elevator.

Wearing a black stand-up collar windbreaker, the height and legs are like a supermodel, wearing sunglasses, the exposed section of the chin is beautiful and compelling, and the noble breath is coming, giving people a lot of pressure.

The assistant wanted to walk away pretending to be okay, but the tall and upright boy came over and asked directly, "What did you put in?"

The assistant's scalp tightened: "The delivery is for the person in this room."

"Then tell him to come out and get it!"

Jiang Yi squinted and felt that something was wrong with this person's sneaky. The little assistant really panicked and wanted to leave: "I'm just a courier-"

Jiang Yi suddenly stretched out his hand, easily blocking the assistant's way.

"In the middle of the night, you still deliver couriers to people, but not to the hotel reception?"

He lifted his chin and said arrogantly: "Go and open the box for me!"

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