The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 681: New movie plan


"Chairman, look quickly, that is the emperor."

"The director is here!"


In the huge luxurious hall, dozens of tables are placed here, and the people sitting on it are bustling, and the scene looks very shocking.

Compared to the Hongmeng world boot banquet, it is even better.

Of course, the emergence of Junci is highly anticipated!

She still wears a mask.

Jun Ci did not expect beforehand that Zheng Changtian, a retired figure of Eagle Media, would be able to come. Seeing him here now, of course, he walked directly over, stretched out his hand with a smile, and immediately took off his mask: "Director Zheng Long, meet for the first time, hello!"

She is still very decent, and has a minimum of respect for these elders.

"Hello, Director Jun, it's better to see it after hearing it. It's really a talent, young people nowadays, it's incredible!"

Zheng Changtian also sighed in shock, it is really that Junci is too young! And it’s not as good-looking, such a person, in the entertainment industry, is destined to be lifted up to the sky with a smooth flow, but it has become a director.

When Zhen Guoliang's several department managers talked to him about the director, he really couldn't believe it.

I filmed "The Record of Life and Death in the Immortal" at a very young age. It can be said that a miracle has been achieved. Does such a young person need to consider his future?

He has been in the circle for so many years, and now he has seen everything in this position.

But the thing about Junci still made him amazed in his heart.

Jun Ci smiled slightly and sat next to Zheng Changtian.

The face of the teenager was silent for a while every time people saw it. After Junci greeted everyone on the table one by one, everyone came back to their senses.

Because of the special status this time, except for the two main actors, Fu Zhisheng and Luo Lanyi, the main table here is the senior level of Eagle Media.

Because they made a lot of money this time, all the senior executives of Eagle Media were full of smiles. Coupled with Zheng Changtian's same joy, the atmosphere soon rose.

The senior executives who seldom drink alcohol for work reasons have finished a few glasses of liquor.

However, an emperor did not drink, and a Zheng Changtian was too old to accept alcohol. No one persuaded them.

Luo Lanyi and Fu Zhi both drank two cups.

Luo Lanyi was okay, she was drinking, but Fu Zhisheng blocked her.

In fact, the people at this table may not be a big deal to Junci, but for them, it is a personal relationship.

In the past ordinary celebration banquets, these people would not attend, this time it is really special.

If Luo Lanyi and Fu Zhisheng can grasp them, there will be a few more connections in the circle in the future.

Both of them know this, so they talked happily at the dinner table.

After the three wine tours, perhaps this movie was too successful, and it inevitably made people feel enthusiastic about the Emperor's next movie. When Zheng Changtian saw that everyone at the dinner table was beaming, he sandwiched a piece of beef and said with a smile: "I don't know the director. Are there any other shooting plans next?"

Everyone knows about "Hongmengjie", but Eagle Media last time because it seized the opportunity, this time there are more news in the industry. Several industry giant publishers will definitely look at the emperor's "Hongmengjie" this time. Although Eagle Media has the intention of cooperation, it may not be able to offer more favorable terms to grab the distribution rights of "Hongmengjie", so this time Zheng Changtian wisely did not mention it, but instead asked some other things.

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