Jun Ci suddenly flashed his plan on campus violence shooting.

Moreover, Eagle Media has always relied on the distribution of literary films and in-depth films of this type. Of course, as Zheng Changtian thought, if the distribution rights of "Hongmengjie" do not have a more suitable and superior price, Junci may not continue. It was sold to Eagle Media, so she didn’t mention it. She nodded and said, “Recently, the filming of "Hongmeng World" has just finished. Although there is some time for the finishing touch, it is almost the time. The plan is to be released in the summer next year. I am a little free in time, and I want to find other types of movies to shoot."

As soon as she said this, everyone at the dinner table became quiet, and they all listened to her with ears up.

Zheng Changtian immediately understood, and his old eyes narrowed slightly: "Director Jun, does this have a different plan?"

If it continues to be like "Hongmengjie" and "Xianzhong Life and Death", she shouldn't have such a statement.

Jun Ci rubbed his chin and thought: "I am going to follow the blockbuster route, but I want to try my ability to control other movies. This time I look at the market in recent years, and I want to make a film about campus violence. the film."

When these words came out, not only Zheng Changtian was astonished, but everyone else was a little surprised and lost: "School violence?"

Although Fu Zhisheng and Luo Lanyi didn't scream out, they both glanced at each other, and the surprise in their hearts could be imagined.

The reaction from the crowd is really the school violence and the type that Junci is shooting now.

Seeing such a big reaction from the main table, the table next to him couldn't help but scratching his head a little anxiously, wishing to come over and listen to what they were talking about.

"School violence is not easy to tell the truth."

From the standpoint of someone who came over, Zheng Changtian slowly said: "This is not the same as a special effects blockbuster. This kind of film is unpopular and does not pay attention to other aspects. Instead, it focuses on the meaning of the film itself, which requires deeper exploration to support. , And to be honest, in terms of box office, no matter how good it is, it will not be better than the film you are shooting now."

His words are what everyone wants to say.

Because of the limitation of the genre, even if this kind of film exploded, it would be a miracle of heaven at most.

This is the case in the movie market. People enter the cinema to relax, discuss human nature, and have a depressive tone, but not so many people like it.

"It's okay."

Junci heard the worries in their words, and smiled relaxedly: "I just want to try the transformation. Even if it doesn't make a good shot, it's still my first attempt. I don't care about the box office.

Her understatement made the gang of Eagle Media look a little off.

The box office doesn't care, I am afraid only she can say it so simply.

They also saw at a glance that the emperor really just wanted to change the genre to try. To be more precise, she wanted to try, not for your audience.

The way to this point is not comparable to other directors.

But people have capital.

Just because she has been making blockbuster movies, the box office will not be cut off, only the special effects will keep up with the level of "The Story of Life and Death", and someone will pay the bill.

But the small type of film is different. The special effects are not valued, and the most important thing is the meaning of the performance and the film. One carelessness can be sprayed into a bad film.

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