The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 695: Threaten, don't say it

Jiang Yi has no good impressions of Zhang's family, and it is even more angry to see Fu Cuihua crying now.

As soon as he stopped drinking, Fu Cuihua stopped crying abruptly, looking at Jiang Yi with a look of fear.

She didn't know why the people in front of her became so angry.

Jiang Yi knew this great secret, but he didn't have the urge.

In this way, it is obvious that Fu Cuihua and the others have forgotten that Jun Ci is a girl.

Now that it was mentioned, they certainly remembered it, but he couldn't let Junci have any worries.

He tightened Junyi's brows and suddenly opened the curtain and called out: "Uncle Tao."

Uncle Tao nodded and walked over. He leaned into Uncle Tao's ear and said something. Uncle Tao's expression was not abnormal, and he turned and went out.

"Listen, I only give you a choice. I'll give you a sum of money. Your family will leave the imperial capital for me and find a border town or remote city to spend your second half of your life, including your daughter, and you will never be able to walk. Half a step into the imperial capital. You must also hide this matter from me. No matter who asks it, you are not allowed to tell it. If the news is revealed in the future..." At this point, Jiang Yi's thin lips opened and aroused Sullen smile: "I will let your family of three disappear from this world."

What he said was extremely cold, and Fu Cuihua shivered at that time.

She didn't understand why such a good-looking young man in front of him said such vicious words, but she realized that he was not joking.

Jiang Yi was really not joking. Although he didn't do such cruel things, if the Zhang family didn't know what to do and broke the matter out of unknown circumstances, Jiang Yi really didn't mind being cruel.

For Jun Ci, he felt that he did something like this.

Uncle Tao came back soon, carrying an inconspicuous dark cloth bag in his hand.

In terms of weight, it weighs about ten kilograms.

At this moment, Jiang Yi was threatened. The person opposite was drinking coffee leisurely, Fu Cuihua's legs and feet were still shaking, Uncle Tao came in with a cloth bag, and her eyes quietly rolled over.

The dark cloth bag was placed on the table, making a dignified and heavy sound. With only one surface, Fu Cuihua's eyes straightened.


It's all money!

She had never seen so much money in her life!

Even the jade pendants sold at the beginning are far from so many.

"Here is one million."

Jiang Yi looked at his mobile phone, and when he looked up, he sneered when he saw Fu Cuihua's expression, "The leather suitcase is too eye-catching for you, so I changed it to this one. Take the money and let me go immediately. The air tickets will be booked for you tonight. Go back to your hometown first and keep your mouth tight, otherwise--"

He curled his lips coldly, compared to a gesture with a knife on his neck. Jiang Yi made a killing intent without any substantial movement, and Fu Cuihua nodded in fright.

In the past three months, several gangsters who have performed missions with the army have also been stained with blood. Jiang Yi feels that he has begun to change even more...

Especially when he will perform tasks in the future, he is afraid he will not be more kind than he is now.

Jiang Yi was thoughtful and thoughtful. Fu Cuihua would not be able to take things back so far by himself. Although Uncle Tao did not hear the key questions Jiang Yi asked, Jiang Yi left all these things He took care of it.

Of course, Zhang Changming has to be scared again.

Jiang Yi asked Uncle Tao to send Fu Cuihua back, and stared at the people on the plane. Even Zhang Nian from the school was mercilessly pulled back.

He went back to the center of the imperial capital with confidence.

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