The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 696: Really owe it to clean up!

Gulu must have known Jiang Yi doing these things.

It even helped Jiang Yi get rid of the eyeliner sent by Jun Shenglian on the road, interfered with them, and caused a little trouble, leaving them no time to observe Zhang's surroundings.

No one knew about the meeting between Jiang Yi and Fu Cuihua.

Originally, Gulu was a little surprised that Jiang Yi could see the flaws in his Highness so quickly, and found the Zhang family with great agility to ask directly, otherwise, with the deep-rooted idea of ​​the Zhang family, I am afraid this matter is really not easy to shake come out.

However, it hesitated and did not tell itself that His Highness Jiang Yi already knew she was a girl.

It is actually a little gloating in its heart, it wants to watch a play...

On the Zhang family's side, it still actively monitors it, but it won't report the Zhang family's movements for the time being if His Highness did not take the initiative to mention it.

It can't lie to His Highness, naturally it can only hide it.

This is also a little selfishness of Guru. Jiang Yi is so powerful this time, it can't let Jiang Yi waste his thoughts in vain.

However, your Highness has a lot of things now, and coupled with the clues of her parents coming out, she may not have time to see Zhang's family, and she probably won't ask about it in a short time.

To be honest, Jiang Yi is still willing to pay 1 million to Zhang's family. Gulu feels a bit unworthy.

However, I used to think that Jiang Yi was the second generation ancestor of the dwarf, and now he went to the military area to make a change. However, his attitude towards other people has always been bad. At this moment, he has settled the Zhang family for Junci. I think Jiang Yi did a good job this time.

When Jiang Yi said those threatening words, it could feel Jiang Yi's mental fluctuations and it was sincere.

If the Zhang family is not honest, he can definitely kill.

It was also a little shocking. At first, it just liked his Highness. How come it is now?

Seeing that Jiang Yi was able to do this, Gulu had a better impression of him, and it was inevitable to maintain a bit.

What's more, Jiang Yi now knows that His Royal Highness is a girl, but His Royal Highness doesn't know that he has been found out. Jiang Yi's mother is purely eye-catching. Jiang Yi came from behind to observe, and the Jiang family's brain reacted quickly enough.

If it weren't for the Zhang family's complicated identity, which involved Junci, now the Zhang family is honest and has no thoughts, otherwise Gulu really wants to solve this disaster once and for all.

It is a light brain, except for His Highness, it is no different from watching a program for other humans, and naturally it will not have feelings.

It is not easy for Jiang Yi to gain a little recognition from it.

But just because Guru has a bit of human emotions now, it is a little selfish. His Royal Highness in this world is clean. It doesn't care about the strategies of the interstellar age, and it doesn't want to let His Highness in this world bear any human life.


Jiang Yi returned to Jiang's house. Mother Jiang was guarding. Seeing him back, he said sternly, "Where did you go after returning?"

Jiang Yi turned his head, there was a smile on his face originally: "Nowhere."

"Where did you go? Junci came to our house to look for you after he left the company. You are not there yet."

When Jiang Yi heard Junci's name, he was a little angry when he thought of today's affairs: "She came, won't you call me?"

Mother Jiang saw that Jiang Yi had always been protective of Junci, but she was angry at this moment when she heard her name. She was suddenly surprised: "Then I don't know! She is in your room now."

Jiang Yi turned his head and walked to his own courtyard.

He just knew the fact that Jun Ci is a girl in his heart. This person didn't even give him a call when he came over. He really owed it to clean up!

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