The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 801: Thank you, Uncle Chengyue

She asked Gulu to do both, first directly blocked most of the news about Ji Meng and Frank, and then prepared to spend money to cancel the news.

Before that, Jun Ci hadn't done it yet, after all, what Ji Meng was doing was her speculation based on the chat records.

If Ji Meng just said casually and didn't do so, she wouldn't be able to kill her.

But she knew that when Ji Meng asked Frank to announce his love affair, this reason was probably true.

Until Jun Ci saw that Gulu broadcasted it personally, Ji Meng's chat record with that fan friend expressed triumphantly that her grudge had been reported for her.

Obviously, Junci's movie has lost its popularity, and she also knows the consequences.

Even if this movie does not hit the street, it is definitely not as effective as a full play that lasts for two months.

She did it on purpose.

Junci likes this kind of death-seeking behavior.

While she let the major portals drop the news of Ji Meng, although the major portals hesitated, after all, such big news is rare in a lifetime, and the small websites quickly succumbed to the power of money and withdrew the news.

But the big websites are a bit hard to say. They don’t want money, they need to be hot. When Junci was considering not letting Gulu start from other aspects, it also announced how the navy generals Jimeng and Frank met outside. At least, If this matter is known to the world, with Frank's character, he might be a little dissatisfied with Ji Meng.

After all such secret news, no one else should know except for Ji Meng's vanity.

Including Frank's assistant, they don't know how Frank and Ji Meng met.

Ji Meng was a little panicked about the news being exploded. She was afraid of causing Frank's disgust, but Frank didn't know it yet. Now that the news hasn't broke abroad, Ji Meng can still spend money to withdraw these news.

It's just that she doesn't have a lot of money, and it doesn't help at all, so she just watched the incident get worse.

She and Junci were bothered at the same time. One was that the big website did not withdraw the news, and the other was that the news could not be withdrawn, but it was solved at the same time.

Frank sent Ins to announce that the morning engagement declaration was just a joke.

This time, not only Ji Meng was blown up, Jun Ci also wanted to stab Frank to death.

After a vigorous and vigorous day, she was still busy with such a bomb?

However, Gulu's tone was heavy: "His Royal Highness, Frank was forced, and someone you didn't expect has made an attack."

Jun Ci frowned: "Who?"

Gulu hadn't spoken yet, Junci's phone rang.

It is a strange number.

She picked it up, and heard a soft, pleasant voice: "It's just a little star, it's up to you."

Jun Ci squinted by the way.

Even if she was not familiar with this voice, she would never forget it.

Jun Chengyue!

Jun Ci took a deep breath: "I am not in a hurry."

She was just thinking that she should use a reasonable way to solve the matter, rather than going against common sense like Jun Chengyue.

He can make Frank be forced to change his mouth. You can imagine the way he used it. Guru also confirmed her thoughts in his mind: "Threat."

If Frank does not change his mind, his future will be ruined and his life will be in danger.

Jun Chengyue's threat came straight and straightforward.

His power abroad is beyond imagination.

But why should he help her.

Jun Chengyue laughed lowly: "I want to hear you say thank you anyhow."

"Thank you, Uncle Chengyue."

The voice of the boy was simply direct and slightly cold.

Thank you easier than expected, but Jun Chengyue was stunned.

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