The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 802: She can't escape

But he could hear that there was not much sincerity in this thank-you.

It just came out.

Such an unreasonable teenager made the corner of the man's mouth on the phone a fascinating arc: "Your father is probably my brother. I am not sure about things, I would not act so impulsively."

After he said this softly, there was a long silence on the phone.

Jun Ci didn't say a word, and he couldn't even hear the slight breathing.

But Jun Chengyue knew she was listening.

"You have stayed outside for so many years. I know you have suffered a lot. The Jun family can be your backing. If you have time, you can come back and have a look."

"No, thanks."

The tough voice refused simply.

After a long while, the young man's ending sound turned, as if nothing happened, he asked with extra ease: "Uncle Chengyue, do you have anything else? If there is nothing else, I should hang up. I'm very busy. of."

It was low and cheerful as if to say something normal.

Her style of painting changed so quickly that Jun Chengyue smiled lowly: "Go."

After all, he hung up the phone directly.

The corner of the boy's mouth was full of smiles, but the chill in his eyes was enough to freeze everything around him.

"His Royal Highness, this Jun Chengyue..."

Gulu hesitated. As a light brain, he couldn't even guess the intention of Jun Chengyue.

Behind the help, there is a faint feeling of uneasiness.

It felt as if His Highness was being watched.

But it was not in a surveillance state, and Guru couldn't distinguish the danger contained in such a thing.

"Jun Cheng Bai..."

The name of this man overflowed between the boy's lips and teeth, full of faint smell.

I used to think that since my father has been found out, there is no need to ask more about the following matters.

Jun Ci didn't even care about the life and death of his parents.

However, this Jun Chengyue made Jun Ci a illusion that he was a stumbling block.

If it is a stumbling block, should it be removed?

The answer is right.

Junci did things decisively and directly, and almost quickly figured out what to do later: "I have to find out this person. At present, the only relevant thing is Jun Chengyue’s castle in Canada, but Gulu You can’t invade unless..."

"Your Highness, you go personally, but this is very dangerous."

Gulu took the next words, his tone full of worry.

It is the king of the Internet, but the world does not rely solely on the Internet to put people in danger.

Many dangerous things, even Guru can't avoid.

"I've been to dangerous places many times."

A faint smile overflowed in Jun Ci's tone: "It makes no difference. Besides, it's not going now. I have to be prepared. If I go abroad now, Jun Chengyue will know immediately."

"Then why don't your Highness kill Jun Chengyue?"

Gulu suggested the most direct way.

"No, at least for now, I may not be close to Jun Chengyue."

Jun Chengyue is a cautious person, who doesn't even use electronic equipment, let alone other aspects.

Of course it is easy for her to approach Jun Chengyue, but kill Jun Chengyue, then?

Jun Chengyue's identity is unusual. At least the information shows that he is involved in a line of influence of the Chinese government. He is dead. Given Junci's current identity, she can't escape.

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