The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 814: Worry! (Monthly ticket 6800+)

Ke Weiwei also screamed and quickly called Pang Pang to hug him to avoid the dog mouth of the piano. Seeing that the capture failed, the little spy sighed, "You are really useless piano!"

With a sound of the piano, the little spy was thrown off him.

Spicy Chicken dared to question its ability.

A robot and a dog turned over the people in the house. Ma Li hurriedly led the dog away and whispered: "If you make trouble tonight, you can't eat your big ribs. Master won't let you eat."

The little spy was thrown on the ground and touched his ass, as if he was hurt by the dump. It stood up and pointed to the kitchen: "Piano, our major league officially announced its dissolution, you throw me, I want to break your friendship! !!!"

Jun Ci reached out and brought the little spy up and placed it on the table, and yelled: "You just mess around with a dog in one day?"

Is the country sending you to do this kind of thing?

Ke Weiwei was very surprised: "The smart doll has a robot version. Why haven't I seen it?"

Junci paused: "This is the closed beta version."

"Ah, is it?"

Ke Weiwei was a little confused.

At this moment, the fat penguin who was rescued in her arms leaped forward, waved her wings, and slapped the little spy: "Stupid robot, dare to offend the noble fat!"


Ke Weiwei:...

She was embarrassed to cover the fat penguin's mouth.

The little spy's body is too small, and he was easily swept down by its wings. He was angry and pointed at it and cursed: "You fat man, look at you so fat!!"

Seeing that the scene was about to break out again, Ke Weiwei quickly brought the fat penguin into the scene.

The little spy is still venting his anger in verbal words: "Fat penguin, fat ball!"

Jun Ci glanced at it, "Who did you learn these words from?"


The little spy was justified.

As a spy, but after staying in Junci’s house for a long time, he has been given some abilities. He often mixes with the piano and understands some piano thoughts.

Now learning to curse swearing with the piano is called a proficient.

Jun Ci was a little silent. She was thinking now that the piano mouth is so stinky, somehow she was raised in Jiang's family since she was a child, and from whom she learned it.

The piano is almost impossible to speak. If it can speak, the world will be earth-shattering.

Late at night, Jun Ci was chatting with Jiang Yi, and the little spy began to report on a weekly mission.

Probably its report is getting simpler, so this time it is the most authority above to ask it in person.

"Fo-186, may I ask what your mission is going to do recently, I need to answer in detail."

The little spy akimbo his hips, his eyes glowing red: "Fo-186 will report on the mission. The mission target Junci will be at 12 o'clock in the morning on July 23, 2021, go to bed, 1 o'clock, go to bed, 2 o'clock, go to bed--"

"Stop, stop, don't want to listen! You give a brief answer."

"The body is so good, it tastes good to eat, I filmed, chatted with the executives of foreign groups, walked, walked the dog, and it was gone."


Little spy:...

The personnel over there suddenly had a headache. When these agents were created, they were given their own personalities. Now it seems that it is a drawback. For example, the little spy is seriously unreliable.

However, if you send other items to Junci, it will definitely not work, and the little spies can actually see the latest situation on the data, but they need to inquire about the smart target itself, but it can be seen that the agent is very perfunctory.

Little spy: Obviously you can see for yourself, you have to ask, do you bother!

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