The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 815: "The Seventh Killer Space" (monthly ticket 7000+)

When the time enters August.

Silori Group has reached cooperation with many consortia in the United States.

The number of smart dolls made for sale is very considerable.

At this time, because of the special intelligence of "Jianghu Life", some people began to speculate whether Manan's intelligence data was obtained from Silori, or whether Silori obtained from Man'an.

But one of the two companies is in the United States and the other is in China. They are not large in scale and seem to be unrelated.

But there are still people keenly aware that there must be something similar.

But there is no evidence.

In August, Junci entered the cinema to watch many summer blockbusters, but because it was a domestic protection month, there were no great blockbusters in the summer file. There were a few small hits in China, and they got hundreds of millions of box offices.

But overall, the outlook is not as enthusiastic as the first half.

Just one piece of "The Record of Life and Death in the Immortal" by Junci has brought the whole market in popularity.

Jun Ci also took the time to show the original "Seventh Killer Space". After all, if you want to make this film, you must know the original plot.

"Seventh Killer Space" tells a very simple story, as literally, it tells the story of a killer.

But this killer has a very strange identity.

In the interstellar, legend has it that there is a seventh space, which is similar to a black hole, but life forms can enter and connect to the unknown world.

The protagonist of the story came from there. He spent his entire life tracing this seventh dimension, and also wanted to find out his own life experience.

The seventh dimension is pervasive, and there may be many people in this dimension, but he doesn't know any of them.

When he picked out these people one by one, the truth of the seventh dimension emerged.

In fact, this is a false legend. The real seventh dimension is an interstellar organization. They control many people in the interstellar, from important officials to unworthy ordinary people. The power is extremely large. The protagonist is just a chess piece in the seventh dimension. When he knew the truth that he shouldn't know, he was wiped out.

Yes, that's right, it's such a cheating plot.

Completely anti-routine, and there is no sense of refreshment.

But this book is still the best-selling novel that year.

The main reason is that the author has a very strong ability to shape the world and ranks first in the interstellar fantasy genre. The reason why Bai Laimen bought this novel and adapted it. Of course, the ending will be similar to the novel. They plan to use the seventh space as this The main thing is to remake a plot.

However, the main structure follows the novel setting.

The story is nothing to Jun Ci, but there are indeed some parts of this novel that people in her star age look very interesting.

Especially for some things, the star era really exists, but most of them are false.

She can restore this part by herself, and then make a fiction based on the novel.

Anyway, everything in the star era is considered super science fiction for the current earth.

Moreover, a film cannot be finished, so it must be divided into series. If the first one can be successful, then it is a good start, and it is also a preparation for the future series. Then the choice of the first director is particularly important. important.

It seems that the challenge to take over this drama is not small, especially to find an important role for Mu Baijun.

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