The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 817: Xia Changqing

"Little love."

Jiang Jianru faintly called in the room, and the girl who had been resting on Jun Ci walked over.

"Grandpa Jiang."

She wore Chanel's winter suit. She was not very tall in appearance, but she appeared very delicate, with a special kind of care.

The makeup on the eyebrows is very light and decent, and has a different style in winter.

"You haven't come back for a long time, come and play Go with Grandpa Jiang."

Jiang Jianru ordered people to take out a pair of Go pieces. When the two were about to sit down, he looked at Jun Ci again: "Will you play Go?"

Jun Ci was straightforward: "No, I'll just have a look next to him."

"Yes, it's up to you."

When the old man was talking to her, the girl’s gaze kept looking at Jun Ci. Just looking at it, she felt a low sense of shyness. When the Go was fetched, she seemed to realize something, “Yes, not yet Tell you what is my name, my name is Xia Changqing."

Xia Changqing.

This name is quite unique, although Gulu's information has already figured out her details.

Jun Ci just nodded: "Hello."

Xia Changqing also pressed the corners of her lips and nodded. At this time, Elder Jiang had already begun to play Go with her.

Jun Ci really doesn't know this. She has too many things to learn when she comes to Earth, and it is impossible to cover everything.

While watching him, he didn’t know why, Mr. Jiang began to explain: “Changqing is the granddaughter of my former subordinates, who has been staying abroad for so long before coming back. Jiang Yi has been to the military area for half a year and is coming back. She happened to come over and take a look."

His introduction made Jun Ci a little surprised, and he paused for a while and said: "Yeah."

The voice was always clear and faint, making it difficult to understand what she was thinking.

While laying down the chess piece, Mr. Jiang glanced at Xia Changqing: "In fact, the country is not bad now. Why do you have to stay abroad for so many years?"

The tone did not seem to blame, but with some indulgent love.

The data shows that Xia Changqing’s grandfather had a fateful relationship with Mr. Jiang before, and he also helped Mr. Jiang to block the bullet. The story sounds cliché, but the love is true, so the Jiang family has also taken care of the Xia family for so many years. The Xia family is also a leading company in the country. Only this Xia Changqing has the identity to play with the people in the top circles of the imperial capital.

Now outside, ordinary children from aristocratic families have to call Xia Changqing a long love sister. In Jiang Yi’s small circle, Xia Changqing has the best relationship with Jing Fuxiao, but it has nothing to do with Xia Yunhan’s Xia family, just Same surname only.

Xia Changqing followed Laozi and smiled generously: "Grandpa Jiang, what you said is that our country is not bad now, but after all, some things can only be learned abroad. I have to admit this. You have returned from your studies, haven't you returned to serve your motherland?"

Being able to say this in front of Jiang Jianru shows that this Xia Changqing is really worthy of Jiang Jianru.

Jiang Jianru laughed, and Xia Changqing glanced at Jun Ci next to him.

The juvenile is too outstanding to be ignored.

But she was standing here, watching the two of them play Go, but there was no awkward look. Her eyes were calm and cold. With this temperament, Xia Changqing thought that Jun Ci was a friend Jiang Yi met abroad.

Because Junci's appearance is a bit mixed after all.

Xia Changqing in China knows that there is no such thing as Junci in the circle, otherwise she would definitely be famous.

Unfamiliar, that must be someone from abroad.

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