The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 818: No, not interested

The room was very quiet, and Jun Ci sat on the sofa next to it and watched.

Neither appeared impatient nor superfluous.

She barely spoke, just watching the two people play Go.

Jiang Jianru and Xia Changqing said a few words, and both of them stopped talking seriously.

Jiang Jianru doesn't like people who are not serious, so even if it is a Go game, Xia Changqing needs to take it seriously.

No one spoke, the atmosphere in the room was rather stagnant, and the servants all looked at Junci. The young master was really calm, and there was no sign of timidity in this environment.

After a while, Xia Hanyun and Jiang Mu came over.

"Jun porcelain."

When Mother Jiang saw Jun Ci, she called out enthusiastically.

She came in wearing a purple fur-collared little cloak, followed by Xia Hanyun in a white down jacket.

As soon as they came in, the atmosphere in the room became warm. After Jun Ci nodded and called someone, Xia Changqing shouted with a smile: "Auntie."

"Ah, long love is here."

When Mother Jiang saw Xia Changqing, her attitude was very warm, her eyes were bright, and she ordered people to make tea: "I heard your mother say that you are coming back a few days ago. I didn't expect it to be so soon."

While she was talking, she had a conversation with Xia Changqing, but she sat down next to Jun Ci.

Xia Hanyun hesitated and sat on the sofa next to Xia Changqing, looking at Jun Ci with some inquisitive eyes.

Xia Changqing: "I planned to come here when I came back yesterday, but something was delayed. I ran into brother Yun in the morning."

Xia Changqing is one year older than them.

Sadly, the two did not say hello when he came in, obviously they had met.

"Complete the game first, don't talk!"

When several people interrupted, Jiang Jianru frowned, and the room fell silent for a moment.

"Look at me, I have to accompany Grandpa Jiang to finish this game."

The two started offensive, Xia Changqing eventually lost to Jiang Jianru.

Her Go skills are not bad, but she's not an expert, and she's no better than Jiang Jianru who has played for decades.

"Grandpa is still great."

After playing, Xia Changqing calmly complimented Jiang Jianru. Jiang Jianru laughed and said, "I am old and old. It's rare to meet someone who has the patience to play chess with me. Jiang Yi didn't mention it, and there was none. meeting."

The last words he said made everyone in the room stunned. For a long time, Xia Changqing reacted, and looked at Jun Ci in disbelief.

Mother Jiang also realized who Jiang Jianru was referring to, and tentatively asked: "Dad, you mean Junci?"

Jun Ci was also startled.

Jiang Jianru stood up with his hands behind his back: "Who else can it be? The other guys don't have the patience to accompany my old man in a game of chess. Seeing someone who is patient, he won't be able to learn it."

Jun Ci rolled his gaze on the chessboard and shook his head for a long while: "No, I'm not interested."

This kind of time-killing thing is not suitable for her, she is actually impatient in this aspect, it is better to hold a mobile phone to play games.

Everyone: "..."

Jiang Jianru gave her a rare look, and Jiang Mu covered her mouth and smiled.

Xia Changqing saw it at this time. Jun Ci and Jiang's family are in a good relationship. She glanced at Xia Hanyun suspiciously. She seemed to want to ask who Jun Ci is. Xia Hanyun shook her head slightly, her hand lightly. I patted it gently, and don't worry about it. Tell her later.

Xia Changqing also retracted his gaze.

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