The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 861: Cooperation!

With the huge roar of the plane, the plane seemed to fly over his head.

When Boris looked up, he realized that what he saw was not the edge of the movie screen, but the rear wing of the plane...

He didn't even see the edge of the movie screen.

Boris's pupils shrank.

He knows very well that this screen is no more than a normal size. You can see the cross-sectional black area at the edge of the screen just by slightly raising his head, but now, he raised his head, he can't see it?

How is this going?

After the plane taxied, huge planes flew by at high speed.

Boris seemed to understand, he seemed to be standing in an airport departure apron.

So why can't I see the edge of the movie screen?

Boris was puzzled, he took off his glasses subconsciously, and he returned to normal in an instant.

In the screen, it is true that the planes flashed in rows, but it was already an ordinary 2D picture, and the fuzzy intelligence saw the outline.

Simply anti-theft device.

In this way, even if you use your mobile phone to record, you can’t record anything.

He was a little shocked, and took a look to the side, and the surrounding staff looked at him with a smile, including Leo.

They seemed to have expected it, and were not surprised by Boris's behavior in taking off his glasses.

Boris noticed something, and his heart began to tremble. He put on his glasses and continued to watch this specially filmed scene.

Jun Ci is also wearing glasses here, and it is the first time that she has seen the results of this research.

To be honest, it is already at the limit. Unless the earth's technology can make an epoch-making flight, it is not suitable for further research.

Glasses, including movie screens, are specially manufactured, and only matching can play this perfect effect.

The movie must be improved by their company before it can be shown on this device, otherwise it is a normal movie.

If this picture, take a look at the life and death record in the fairy...

Jun Ci feels that people with high blood pressure may not be suitable for watching.

Because this picture is already near the limit of fictitiousness.

The lens of the glasses is designed to be too large, including the design of a circular ring, to ensure the effect that Boris sees. As long as you wear the glasses, you will see a real picture of the movie within the allowable angle. It causes the audience to have an illusion of being more in the picture.

A little bit of illusion of perspective is also used here, which is not a real picture, but in fact, it is already a technology that is against the sky.

The kind of interstellar era that directly uses brainwaves to sense movie images and is in the movie world 360 degrees, I'm afraid I don't think about it.

Not only the big special effects pictures, but also ordinary love movies can be played with this device. What she wants is the progress of the market, rather than meeting the demand alone.

This section was specially produced for the airport scene, and there were no major special effects, but Boris felt the shock.

This is the dream viewing angle. No matter how you look at it, it feels like you are in the picture, getting closer, as if you can interact with the crowd in the surrounding airport.

Boris took a breath, and the technology provided by the Siloley Group was amazing.

He had a hunch that Bai Lai Men might make history again.

This picture lasted only five minutes. After watching all of it, Boris took off his glasses and announced with excitement: "Cooperation, no matter what the conditions are, we are willing to accept it!"

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