He hasn't lost his sanity yet, knowing that it is within the scope of not far from the mark.

Jun Ci heard this answer enough.

A satisfied smile appeared on her face, and she said lazily: "Mr. Boris, of course, I am not a person who sits on the floor and raises prices. The technology must be promoted to the world to give full play to his technology. Our company wants to work with you. A necessary condition for cooperation is that I know that your company is currently holding a director selection meeting in order to find a suitable director for the film "Seventh Killer Space"."

Hearing this, Boris was stunned. He then reacted somewhat: "Is Mr. Emp trying to recommend us a suitable director?"

The art of seeing and talking.

The right director is actually going through the back door.

Jun Ci straightened up, looked at Boris, and raised his lips and said: "It's true that I am a director. The necessary condition for Silorie and Bai Laimen to cooperate is that I need to film "The Seventh Killer Space". Movies, and this movie will use Silorie’s current set of equipment, and then it will be introduced to North America including Asia. I believe that Bailaimen Pictures will make another great history."

"Are you the director?"

Boris' eyes were about to stare out, and he couldn't think that the teenager who had a small-scale company like the Siloley Group in front of him was actually a director!

Isn't this an international joke? !

However, he was shocked, and his reaction was quick, and he quickly distinguished his interests.

The movie "Seventh Killer Space" is no joke. Now Jun Ci has come out and said that she is a director, and even Boris must hesitate to take over the film.

He thought for a while, and continued to ask: "What movie have you filmed?"

"Perhaps you have heard of it, or you may not have heard of it. I have made two films in China now, one is "The Record of Life and Death in the Immortal" and the other is "He Can't Be Punished"."

The translation of the two films into English is rather awkward, but Junci has seen the translated title of the Record of the Life and Death of the Immortal on the Internet. There are also people in Europe and America discussing the special effects of this movie, so Junci used it easily.

"Oh, the record of life and death in Xianzhong?"

Unexpectedly, Boris knew about the movie, and he even nodded: "We know that this movie has created a box office miracle in China, but you didn't expect it to be yours."

Let’s not talk about the film evaluation, because Boris doesn’t understand the plot of the fairy tale, nor does he understand that kind of love.

But the general story is that foreign countries have all said it well, and more importantly, the box office is enough to prove everything.

That is a number that makes Bai Laimen very heartwarming. After "The Life and Death of an Immortal" broke the box office in Asia, this report has spread all over the European and American film circles.

What moved them even more was the large market of Chinese movies. I used to think that a billion is already great, but now I know that 4 billion may not be the limit.

Just the ability of a country to carry the box office is so strong, it is enough to make the film circles of many countries look at it.

The director of the No. 1 box office in China...

For this title, Boris felt that it was enough.

But he has the right to speak in Bai Lai Men, and he is not absolutely speaking. He needs to go back and discuss with other managers in the company.

Boris got up and shook Jun Ci again with his chubby hand: "Emp, this matter is not my sole responsibility. I need to go back and discuss with the chairman. Also, I think about this set. We can also talk about the cooperative price of the equipment first."

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