The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 865: What is he without Jiang Yi

"This... this is a very crazy idea."

Boris has never seen a special effects team that doesn't require money, but Junci said it so lightly in the innermost part.

for free!

"Don't worry, my team's special effects technology is very powerful. The special effects of the film I succeeded in China are arranged by them. If it is then produced with the researched equipment, you know that the effect is absolutely impossible in the world. The second company can catch up."

Jun Ci gave them this condition because she wanted to take full control of the crew. You see, what kind of actor was the investor who came in. Jun Ci asked Gulu to check one of them. There were a lot of black materials in private. Didn't it ruin her reputation?

Either the acting is bad.

Not all, but in general, Junci does not like this feeling.

Boris started to have a headache. He felt that this Junci did not follow the rules at all.

Now I actually put forward the crazy idea not to invest in investors...

Boris felt this pill.

However, they have to take down the technology of the new set of equipment, and they are reluctant to let the child not catch the wolf. Boris said that he would continue to go back to discuss it, but he was actually prepared to agree with a distorted expression.

The point is that you don't need investors or spend money.

Moreover, the conditions proposed by Junci are also very tempting. If it is really equal to her, then the profit will be able to obtain considerable benefits.

However, Hollywood is not like China, and it will certainly offend a bunch of people if they want to get rid of those investors.

However, the reputation of Bai Lai Men is not too cruel. As long as it succeeds, this gambling will be irresistible.

This Chinese has brought a huge temptation, but at the same time it has also brought a series of headaches of happiness.

It is a bold choice whether to break the old rules or keep the old.

However, Jun Ci has returned to China with a list of actors.

The male and female protagonists selected on that list are all hot new stars in Hollywood today, both acting and beautiful.

At least when it comes to selecting actors, Bai Lai Men has a good vision.

Jun Ci doesn't know much about Hollywood actors, so you need to let Gollum follow the data analysis.

She is now returning to China to deal with other domestic affairs and ensure that there will be no deviations in filming abroad for half a year.

As soon as she came back, Song Wanfei came back to school for a day.

She deliberately dared to come forward when there was only Yuan Chenyan beside Junci, and she was ashamed of too many people.

She had a very ugly expression, with a feeling of crying at any time, with coexistence of shame, anger and anger. When she came to Junci, she said unwillingly, "I'm sorry..."

Then he ran away quickly.

Jun Ci folded his arms and Yuan Chenyan next to him looked puzzled.

"Who is that, why did you apologize to you?"

"A little thing."

The corners of the boy's lips were pressed lightly, and he went to dinner with Yuan Chenyan without giving his eyes to this superfluous person.

"Hey, why are you going to America this time..."

Two people walked in front, Yuan Chenyan asked some things about Junci.

Behind them behind a huge flower bed, a figure came out, it was Song Wanfei who hadn't run far just now.

When Song Wanfei saw the white figure in front of her leave, her teeth were tickled with hatred.

She didn't know why her parents, who were obviously full of her, suddenly forced her to apologize, was it because of Jiang Yi?

Even if Jiang Yi shot the Song family, now he has to apologize.

It's because of this Junci that Jiang Yi was picked up.

What is she without Jiang Yi?

Thinking of this, Song Wanfei snorted, turned her head and left.

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