The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 866: Emp (the emperor), from China

Jun Ci went to the United States and did not hide a lot of people. Zhen Guoliang and Manager Liu invited her to meet.

"He Can't Take the Punishment" is still in theaters, it is the hot stage, the box office has exceeded 1.4 billion, equal to "Summer Miracle".

I was shocked.

All the members of Xiongying Company praised Junci for being a lucky star. The two films released in succession are both excellent and good films, or the kind that has a double reputation at the box office. Where can such directors be found?

"How does it feel to go to America?"

Zhen Guoliang ordered the secretary to pour a cup of tea for Jun Ci. Manager Liu was also here, and the two sat with Jun Ci.

The status of Junci is now unusual, and the two of them have a cautious attitude when they are with her.

"pretty good."

Happy events come true one after another, and Junci is rarely in a good mood.

"I know you should finish filming "He Can't Take the Punishment", and you definitely want to take a break, but I still want to ask, are there any plans for the next movie? Do you want to continue making the sequel to Xianzhong this time, or change the genre?"

Manager Liu opened his mouth with a kind smile, wanting to inquire about some news, but the news is harmless.

Jun Ci took a sip of tea and smiled at the corners of his lips: "For the time being, there will be no plans for a year. Next year’s summer vacation file "Hongmengjie Released", I will shoot a foreign film in the second half of the year. I went to the United States and picked it up. A play."

"Oh?" Manager Liu was a little surprised: "Why are you thinking about filming a foreign scene?"

"Because I want to enter Hollywood, I won the "Seventh Killer Space" of Bai Laimen, but I will bother you not to mention it..."


Before she finished speaking, Zhen Guoliang spit out a sip of tea.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I've lost my attitude..."

Zhen Guoliang quickly remedied it, and Manager Liu next to him also took a breath, stupid!


Who doesn't know this drama, it is one of Hollywood's recent big IPs. It was not said that a director selection meeting was held before. How come the emperor says she won it now when he comes back?

The selection meeting will not be long, and the two people in front of them are also insiders. Sooner or later, the news from Hollywood will arrive.

She just nodded: "You know it."

Zhen Guoliang and Manager Liu don't understand, they trust them to say, after all, the cooperation between Eagle Media and Junci has always been unusual.

But this is too shocking.

Why would this film be taken by the emperor?

The emperor, a purely Chinese director, could actually receive a big IP belonging to Hollywood, and it was the kind that held a selection meeting. Isn't Bai Laimen playing with another group of directors participating in the selection meeting?

Bai Lai Men also has a bitterness, but it is a good selection meeting, who knows that the bargaining chip given by Junci is too cruel, they have no reason to refuse!

The selection meeting is still to be held, and the list of directors participating in the selection meeting will also be announced. As soon as Bailaimen officially released the information, the Hua Guo intercepted it and sent it back to China simultaneously.

European and American Information Circle V: The "Seventh Killer Space" director selection meeting list is out. It is not uncommon to have Jeremiah Fokker. You pay attention to the last person on this list. 【image】

Above the content of the picture, the names of a large number of Hollywood directors are clearly listed, including their country. Of course, the famous Jeremiah Fokker is in front of him and is also among the best. The people in the country were shocked again.

【Emp (Emperor) Nationality of China】

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