A small island in the Pacific

There is heavy fog here all year round, it is simply a natural labyrinth place, even if an airplane passes by here, it is likely to lose radar response.

Deep in the forest on the island, there are vaguely some huts in the forest, built on the mountain.

A group of mercenaries live here.

The leader is Kurt.

He didn’t know which country he was from. He was born in the Middle East battlefield unluckily since he was a child. At first there was peace there. Later, for various reasons, the war broke out for nearly two decades, but he was a white man, at least The complexion is pale.

Later on, relying on his own advantages, he made a name for himself on the battlefield and became a mercenary internationally.

Originally I was going to retire at some time, but later it caused a big man to hide in Tibet with the people under his hands. A few months ago, a mysterious person contacted him and gave him a large sum of money. Set up and train a group of mercenaries on this small island.

The condition he agreed to was that this mysterious man found his biological family for him.

He has watched their videos. They are an ordinary American family. Now they are happy and peaceful, and their lives are ordinary and prosperous. There is no need for him as an unexpected character to return hastily.

Kurt relied on the family in his heart, but he could not return, so he agreed to the mysterious man's conditions.

Because he knows that there is a faint threat behind this, the big man is always looking for their whereabouts, if he disagrees, his native family may encounter accidents.

Kurt has seen a lot of such cruel things.

He spent several months here and accepted hundreds of mercenaries from all over the world, all recruited through various channels.

He was amazed by the methods of his current employer, and then discovered that each of them has more or less different reasons to be here. Once they betrayed or escaped, there will be unbearable consequences.

Kurt stayed here for a few months and became familiar with hundreds of mercenaries. Everyone had no tasks, and it was inevitable that they were a little slack. This employer didn’t seem to need them to do anything. They would come to the island regularly every month. He and his subordinates often come into contact with things like building things, all kinds of machinery and equipment. He vaguely feels that his employer should be a high-tech company.

Until last night, they finally received the order.

There is a plane that will fly to this island. There are dozens of well-trained mercenaries on the plane. The employer needs them to rob a man on the plane.

It’s been a long time since Kurt had been in contact with the task. Kurt was very excited. He picked a group of people. After the arrangements were made, he began to act.

At 8:50, Kurt heard the sound of the airplane's engine, and after a while, he faintly saw the shadow of an airplane through the fog on the small island.

There is a machine in his hand, on which is a screen with dozens of red dots flashing, that is the location of the mercenary on the plane.

Kurt beckoned behind him, and didn't send everyone out. Hundreds of mercenaries behind him began to lurch silently.

At this time, the huge roar of the plane was getting closer and closer until it stopped on the small tarmac on the island. Kurt gestured towards the plane. That was what the employer wanted him to compare, and he didn’t. Know why.

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