"Are you sure you are here?"

On the plane, the mercenary under Jun Chengyue who was transporting Jun Chengyue was slightly surprised.

The captain nodded: "Although I don't know why the boss temporarily changed the location, but the boss and I passed through the conversation, all instructions were given by him, and the gesture to pick up the aircraft was correct."

The most deadly thing about Gulu is that it is invincible on the Internet, so it forged Jun Chengyue’s mobile phone voice, including all the secret code facilities they contacted. When the captain contacted Jun Chengyue again, he used his voice to issue a fake instruction.

After all, there are dozens of mercenaries on the plane. If Junci’s mercenaries attack rashly, they are afraid that the other party’s fish will die and the net will be broken. If they blow up together with the plane, this island of Junci will be exposed.

However, Gulu knew that Jun Chengyue and these mercenaries must have a password or gesture when facing the secret signal. He was too vigilant. Gulu hadn't found out this point, so when the mercenary leader asked for the secret signal, It might be when the mercenaries started.

The door of the plane opened slowly, and Kurt walked over first.

His group of mercenaries have already taken advantage of the terrain and sneaked into the seabed.

"first name?"


Kurt is a ruffian American, with a square face, wearing a body armor, and strong muscles. At this time, he is not nervous.

The mercenary who questioned looked at the data in his hand. It was a tablet, and Kurt's data jumped out.

That is their mercenary database. Although everything is right, the mercenary leader always feels something is wrong.

"I haven't seen you before, are you a newcomer?"

Kurt grinned and said, "Is the BOSS thing you and I can guess? This is his secret base."

The mercenary leader's face sank, obviously hesitant.

His performance like this can only show that he is the trustworthy person beside Jun Chengyue. This secret base that he doesn't know is built by the boss?

"Bang!" It was like someone exploded at the bottom of the plane. After a loud noise, the group of people in front of Kurt looked back in a little astonishment. In an instant, Kurt's headset was in A cold metal speaker sounded: "Do it!"

It was the voice of the employer, he had heard it countless times.

In an instant, Kurt pulled out and fired at the person in front of him. The moment the mercenary leader reacted and quickly turned his head back, he immediately jumped under the hatch.

The surrounding area is full of sea water, which is very life-saving.

"Successful! Protect people!"

The mercenary leader's complexion changed drastically. The people around him had just been shot head headshot by Kurt. He jumped to pursue Kurt, but it didn't help.

Gulu mastered all their locations. The instruments on the wrists of the mercenaries on Junci's side were newly developed gadgets by Silori. When they were preparing to form these mercenaries, Junci was already preparing to develop this place. It has become another secret location, not for other purposes, just in case.

She now has no ambition to conquer the world.

"Boom boom!"

Gunshots kept ringing and people in the plane kept falling down. Jun Chengbai had a headache. He tried hard to lift his eyelids, but he couldn't do it.

His legs and feet tremble a little, only the constant deafening cracking around him.

After a while, he felt his body lighten, and his stomach churned, and he was hung on his shoulder.

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