The National Director is Mr. Perfect

Chapter 932: It can be found in this way. It calls Jun Chengyue Dad

"His Royal Highness, I grabbed Jun Chengbai!"

At the Hollywood film and television base in the United States, Jun Ci, who was directing the play, heard Gulu's words, and the corners of his mouth faintly smiled.



The phone was smashed so far, and at the same time, the man coughed violently.

Jun Shenglian stood there with a pale expression.

Jun Zhiyi was standing there, looking at Jun Chengyue who suddenly became angry.

"Sixth brother, be careful, why is your body suddenly so angry?"

He didn't understand what was going on, only when he saw himself coming back, he saw Jun Chengyue in the hall suddenly angry.

He hadn't seen such a terrifying expression for many years.

Jun Chengyue was pale, clutching her chest and coughing, her pale thin lips trembled and said, "He is gone, he is gone..."

As early as the moment when his own troops could not be contacted, Jun Chengyue had already had an unknown foreboding.

He planned carefully. From the moment the plane took off to the moment it landed, it was in the private mansion of the castle and the Jun’s house. There was no place to get into other people in the middle. The people who escorted the plane were his most trusted and capable men. Including dozens of well-trained mercenaries, but he did not expect that the plane still had a problem.

Up to now, he has not received any information. At the appointed time, the plane was nowhere to be seen. What happened was obvious.

He called Canada, and reported that the plane had departed normally.

What went wrong is self-evident.

What he cares about is not the person on the plane, but the person he is going to **** on the plane. Without that person, his plan would have failed halfway from the beginning!

"Who is missing?"

Jun Zhiyi was a little puzzled, and Jun Shenglian also trembling slightly: "Maybe it's just that the plane was delayed..."

"Delay? Do you think it's possible?!"

Jun Chengyue's always graceful face suddenly became hideous like a ghost, "Go check, and let World Aviation check all flight routes, including radar routes. I don't believe I can't find out the route of the plane."

"Yes, I'm going now..."

Jun Shenglian nodded, and proceeded to finish the matter in a hurry.

Jun Zhiyi stood by, a little embarrassed, and a little inexplicable... panicked.

He hasn't seen Jun Chengyue showing such an expression for a long time. Didn't he say that his condition has improved after so many years in Canada?

He shook his heart, then jumped up quickly.

Although he didn't know what happened, he knew that making Jun Chengyue change so drastically would definitely be a big event that could change the sky.

Thinking of this, Jun Zhiyi faintly worried in his heart.

He didn't know whether it was right or wrong to invite his younger brother back to preside over Jun's house.

"Cough cough cough."

Jun Chengyue has been in poor health since she was a child, but she has been observing and treating her, and now she is better than half. However, shortness of breath will still cause palpitations and severe cough.

He estimated that he was extremely angry this time. He didn't say anything to Jun Zhiyi. He covered his mouth with the veil, and left while coughing.

Although there is still an aura of no anger and prestige, it seems that something has suddenly declined.

Guru looked at all this and smiled inwardly.

You check, despite checking, the plane was controlled by it and ran out of fuel and fell into the depths of the ocean. All the road maps were tampered with.

Airline information is empty.

If Jun Chengyue can find this, it calls Jun Chengyue Dad!

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