Brother Gou hasn't seen the emperor's news for a long time, and he has automatically forgotten the emperor.

After all, this person is currently filming in the United States. How can I think that there are still a group of fans in China who are looking forward to her new book, and there is a miserable editor who is looking forward to the author under his hand as soon as possible. Published a new book.

When he saw the mailbox popping out, Brother Gou took it for granted. Although the emperor was not there, there were many authors who would often submit manuscripts to him.

When he was holding the coffee and about to open it at will, he glanced around and found that it was actually the word Emperor!

Damn it?

Brother Gou became excited, and when the coffee was put, he quickly sat up straight.

It is indeed a manuscript sent by the emperor, a new book! !

Brother Gou was so excited that he wanted to laugh three times, but after reading the content of the new book, the laughter stopped abruptly.

I rub, what is the rhythm of this dog-blood love story, why is the interstellar age a wizard and a supernatural person?

What does this make the high-tech mankind think in the future?

Will the robot have opinions?

The confrontation between male and female is simply a common dog blood stalk.

However, Brother Gou felt that Nima couldn't stop seeing it!

The main reason is that the emperor’s writing style is too domineering, and the rhythm of the story is very refreshing, but maybe from the standpoint of Chinese people, it is strange that the names of the heroes and heroines are Western names, and there is nothing else to say, but Brother Gou still feels a little inappropriate.

Dog's Tail Grass: The new story is too biased towards love. It doesn't look like a cool text. It feels like a struggle of power?

Emperor: Yes, the script will be filmed for European and American audiences in the future

Dog's tail grass:……

How do you make him respond?

Generally, authors consider whether this novel is popular with readers, whether readers like it or not, and whether it can be popular if they can write it by themselves.

People directly said that this novel was written to serve European and American audiences...

It's not a class at all!

Brother Gou almost burst into tears.

Dog's tail grass: Dad, you are happy

But Brother Gou knows that some people like to read such novels. For example, the previous Green Core Literature website was more popular. Of course, this kind of romance novels that are greasy and crooked for men and women may not be liked by male readers.

Dog's tail grass: Your new book type is not like a male channel. So, what do you think of assigning you to a female channel?

Emperor: OK

Jun Ci has no opinion on this.

But the female frequency is not the type of dog brother. The female frequency is also a novel from the perspective of female readers. He thought for a moment and asked the editor-in-chief Lu Xuda if he should transfer the emperor to a female editor in charge for a while, Lu Xuda thought about it. I want to say directly: "Anyway, it's a new book type. It's good if he writes happily. You are his editor, so you can continue to carry it. For recommendation, you can communicate with the female editor. Besides, you think you have the emperor's face , Can you say something about him, can the female audio editor disagree?"

Dog brother:"……"


So Jun Ci’s new book was so formally decided.

Although Junci is now an international director, it is necessary to publicize the new book. Gou made a sincere suggestion: Emperor, you can send a Weibo to let me know.

The popularity of her Weibo can be worth all the recommendations of their website. Besides, if you don't post Weibo, Weibo will grow grass.

Have pity on her fans.

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