When Brother Gou said he sent Weibo, Jun Ci also agreed.

But before that, she first sent her new book to Jiang Yi. Jiang Yi was in the military academy and could not see the information during training, and Jun Ci did not care, so she posted a Weibo.

As for the title of the book, she communicated with Brother Dog for a while and finally decided to name it "Star Power".

It can be seen as interstellar and interweaving of power. The most important thing is that it is easy to call and easy to understand, and it is easy to translate when the time comes.

Emperor V: The new book "Star Power" is about to begin serialization.

——Grandson: Grandpa and grandma, the emperor of the blogger you follow, he has posted on Weibo! Grandparents: What? The emperor actually posted a Weibo. The person we think has already been to another world posted a Weibo? Quickly, help us up, we have to see what he sends!

——Dad, when you post on Weibo, at least add a sentence of "look forward to your watching"? I feel like you are perfunctory concubines like us...

——23333 The concubine who has been hotly criticized, don't add drama to yourself, you are at most a group of maids in the eyes of the emperor!

--and then? Nothing except the title of the book? As for the type, the hero and heroine, the emperor, you don’t say anything about our concubines, but we are very distressed.

——Do you finally remember that you still have a bunch of concubines on the other side of the ocean? If you have a blonde babe, you forget the wife

——Commenting on a group of dramas is simply laughing at me

——Don’t say anything else, I just ask when will "Seventh Killer Space" be released? When will "Hongmengjie" be released?

Because of the nickname of Emperor Junci, his fans now have a different name, Aifei.

Yes, it is the name of such a group of laughing fans, but because the emperor doesn't care about fans at all, and doesn't care about Weibo all the time, now this group of concubines laugh at themselves as concubines.

So now on Weibo, there are a lot of concubines who are dying.

Now I just posted on Weibo, the first time I can pay attention to the true love fans, the black fans have been cleaned up a few times and now it is a lot of low-key. Seeing this group of true love fans either complaining or moving, it is rare for Junci to laugh. Sounded.

She was in the hotel now, and after watching Weibo for a while, Jiang Yi called.

His tone sounded a little bit distressed: "You have fallen, you write such a **** love story, and you can't stand it!"

I think I have finished reading the novel written by Jun Ci.

He is a boy, and he must like the visual novels of male protagonists with a huge layout and straightforward text. He is not so cold about Jun Ci's new novel.

"You can't read it, but many readers can read it." Jun Cizhan got up and chuckled, "It's not for you."

"Why can't I watch?"

When Jun Ci said that, he stopped doing it again, and muttered: "Why don't you write a novel about us if you can write so well?"

"We?" Jun Ci raised his eyebrows slightly: "How to write, start the article by saying that you were beaten by me the first time you met?"

Jiang Yi: "..."

He was a little shy and brazen suggestion: "You can modify it appropriately. The novel comes from reality, and you can also beautify the reality a little bit."

Jun Ci's shoulders were shaking, and he couldn't help but smile: "No, I can't do such things that violate my conscience."

Jiang Yi was upset, his voice aggrieved: "...Porcelain, you are too bad for me."

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