The National Goddess Signs the Mecha, and The Loyal and Fierce Fleet is Exposed

Chapter 200 People Who Have Been Exposed To Rain Will Be Willing To Hold Umbrellas For Others! !

Lu Li raised her relaxed shoulders, her body became firm, and she stood upright in front of Lin Xiao's tombstone.

The dark clouds did not show signs of dissipating, the pressure was getting lower and lower, and the wind was getting stronger and stronger.

A withered yellow leaf fell from the air and landed on Lin Xiao's tombstone.

Lu Li raised his hand and took the leaf down, looking at the several wormholes on the leaf that were bitten open by insects.

Lu Li held the leaves tightly in her palms, the withered and yellow leaves were withered and broken in her hands.

He opened his hand, and a gust of wind blew by, taking away the king in his hand.

Lu Li raised his head, looked at Lin Xiao's tombstone with firm eyes and said:

"The Zerg will surely win!"

"Blue Star, will surely defeat the Zerg!"

"If one generation can't do it, then there are two generations, united as one, and Jinshi is opened..."

"Always keep hope and have firm faith."

"I firmly believe.... too."

"I believe many comrades-in-arms are the same, Chen Qingyun...Li Xiaoyun...Xu Zhenguo..."

The dark clouds in the sky became lower and lower, and the water vapor in the air became thicker and thicker. The wind blew Lu Li's hair, and the gravel in the wind blew across his face.

The wind also blew the girl's skirt and the boy's hair. Hearing what Lu Li said, the boy clenched his fists tightly.

Yes! Zerg, we will win!

Everyone worked hard together and twisted into a rope. Huaguo has always come this way.

Blue Star will definitely be able to overcome this ups and downs this time.

Lu Li had already noticed that two scorching eyes were staring at him, and he didn't care.

At this time, Lu Li looked back slightly.

For a couple, the girl had tears in her eyes, and she whimpered softly.

The boy's eyes were slightly red, he hugged the girl, and looked straight at Lu Li.

Seeing Lu Li turning back, the two strode forward excitedly.

The girl spoke tremblingly, with a nasal voice:

"Hi Lu Li..."

"Nice to meet you..."

The boyfriend stepped forward and patted his girlfriend on the back, straightened his body, and said to Lu Li:

"Lu Li, hello. We are students of Qiancheng University, and today we want to pay homage to Lin Xiao when we have time. It's great to see you here! I've been paying attention since I knew about your guarding the Blue Star Following the development of the follow-up matter. A few days ago, the Galaxy Covenant was signed, and I admire you very much! Lin Xiao is the pride of our godly city, and so are you...


The girl pushed the boy and said in a low voice:

"You talk too much.....Stop talking..."

The girl raised her head and said to Lu Li:

"I'm so sorry, my boyfriend likes to talk a lot when he gets excited..."

Lu Li looked at the couple, shook his head slightly and said:

"You pay homage."

After speaking, Lu Li quietly looked at the tombstone for a while, then turned and prepared to leave the cemetery.

Boys and girls watched Lu Li leave.

Lu Li took two steps, stopped, and stared back at the tombstone.

This glance....

Contains too many heavy things.

Some things always need to be done by people.

Some roads always have to be walked alone...

This glance is a farewell.

This glance speaks of new hope.

This glance is meeting a more difficult challenge.

The wind is still blowing, the trees are rustling, and the branches are shaking.

A storm is coming...

The girl looked up at the sky and said to the boy:

"It's going to rain..."

"I have an umbrella in my bag, hurry up and send one to Lu Li, it shouldn't be far away."

"Okay, I'm going! Be careful yourself."

The boy rummaged through the umbrella, held the umbrella and glanced at the girl, then ran down the mountain in the direction of Lu Li.

After a while, he ran behind Lu Li.

The boy looked at Lu Li, walked down the hill unhurriedly, his eyes fixed on the front.

It seems that this oppressive feeling of dark clouds overwhelming the city has no pressure on Lu Li.

"Lu Li, I'll give you an umbrella, it's going to rain! Go down the mountain and be careful!"

The boy quickly stuffed the umbrella to Lu Li, turned around and ran to speak loudly without looking back.

Lu Li looked at the back of the boy running out, the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

Perhaps this is the meaning of protecting the blue star...

Don't ask for anything in return, not for profit, silently guard.

No matter how hard it is, you have to grit your teeth and persevere, and the one you protect is such a lovely person...

People who have been exposed to rain will be willing to hold an umbrella for others.

Lu Li held the umbrella target tightly and opened the umbrella. It was a floral parasol, not big, but enough.

The raindrops fell drop by drop, in the clouds, on the mountains, on the trees, on the girl's skirt, and on Lu Li's umbrella.

The road down the mountain is not far, but the road is more difficult to walk, with muddy water splashes and fine stones.

In the end, one still has to go...

At this time, under the big banyan tree, Lin Xue's house.

Wu Xiuming knocked on Lin Xiao's door with some fruits and nutritional supplements.

"Is Teacher Wu here?"

There was a trembling voice, the sound of footsteps became clear, and the door opened with a creak.

It was Lin Xiao's mother who said.

Her body became more and more stooped, and only a little black was mixed in the white hair.

"Mr. Wu, it's good to come, you don't need to bring something! Just now Xiaoyun told me... Lu Li is back... Is it true?"

Mother Lin looked at Wu Xiuming with burning eyes, and said in a choked voice.

"Old lady, don't stand at the door, hurry up and ask Mr. Wu to come in and sit down.

Lin Xiao's father stepped forward, nodded to Wu Xiuming, and said with a smile.

Turn around and pull Mother Lin in to get out of the way.

"These things were bought by Lu Li. It was his wish. He asked me to bring them here. Please accept them with peace of mind! He is really back, back home!"

Wu Xiuming walked into the living room, put down his things, and sat on the sofa.

At this time, Lin Yun came out of the kitchen wearing an apron, wiped her hands on the apron, looked at Wu Xiuming and said:

"Mr. Wu, thank you for notifying us, otherwise, the hospitality will be poor! You must stay for dinner!"

Immediately afterwards, Lin Yun beckoned for the two children standing in front of the sofa to come over, and said:

"Hurry up and say hello to Teacher Wu, this is your uncle Lin (Wang Nuo Zhao) Xiao's teacher!"

"Mom, I know, this is Teacher Wu."

Elder sister Lin Yangui frowned and said.

"The story of Uncle Lin Xiao and Uncle Lu Li that my grandmother told me before has Mr. Wu..."

The little girl covered her mouth and smiled secretly.

"Hi Teacher Wu!"

The younger brother bent over and said to Wu Xiuming.

"Okay...two good boys!"

Wu Xiuming said with a smile.

"Mr. Wu, when is Lu Li coming over? What are you busy with? I just heard from you and got ready early! I made him his favorite rice crackers, some with sauerkraut, some with eggplant... ..."

Mother Lin stood next to Wu Xiuming, holding the cane tightly, looked at Wu Xiuming, and asked.

"Mom, after more than 30 years, Lu Li may not like to eat these things anymore! Just now I told you not to prepare, you should not be tired now!"

Lin Yun walked quickly towards Mother Lin, supported Mother Lin's arm, and whispered "Welcome" in her ear. .

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