When Mother Lin heard Lin Yun's words, she turned her head away, looked directly at Lin Yun, stomped her cane vigorously, and said in a deep voice:

"Yun'er, what are you talking about this child!"

"What's so tiring for me to make rice crackers, I know my body, nothing happens, I can't die!"

"Lu Li has loved my rice crackers since he was a child! As long as Lu Li wants to eat, I can make it for him anytime!"

Father Lin heard what Lin Yun said, frowned, and said:

"Yun'er! How can you say that!"

"Mom, what does it taste like! The food is burnt!"

Elder sister Lin Guiyan wrinkled her nose, took two breaths, and said loudly.

"Ah, my dish..."

Lin Yun reacted and said.

Immediately afterwards, he turned around and quickly lost himself in the temple kitchen.

"Second old man, don't stand still, come and sit down!"

Wu Xiuming raised his head and said to Lin Xiao's parents.

"Are you two little guys going to sit down, or are you going to go out and play."

Wu Xiuming turned his head and said with a smile to the two little guys standing beside him.

"You two, go outside and play under the big banyan tree, don't go too far.

Father Lin waved to the two little guys and said.

Lin's father and Lin's mother sat down on the sofa, looked at Wu Xiuming, and continued talking.

"Is Lu Li's body...well?"

Father Lin looked at Wu Xiuming, with a look of worry in his eyes, and asked.

"Is Lu Li okay? He will come later, 640..."

Clutching the cane tightly, Mother Lin asked nervously in a trembling voice.

"Elder, don't worry, Lu Li is in good health. The doctor checked and said that there is no problem! There is no problem in killing enemies in the field!"

"That's good! That's good!"

Lin's father and Lin's mother looked at each other and said together.

"Lu Li, you still have to go to war...with the Zerg? Didn't you sign a contract...why do you still want to go?"

Mother Lin looked at Wu Xiuming and asked worriedly.

"The Galactic Treaty, signed with Xianyun people!"

Father Lin added.

"Lu Li...should be returning to Starry Sky Battlefield...just don't know when to go back..."

"That's his home field..."

Wu Xiuming looked at Lin's father and Lin's mother, with serious eyes in his eyes, and said.

The two old men looked down, their shoulders relaxed, they didn't speak, and the atmosphere (bgei) was heavy.

After a while.

Mother Lin leaned on crutches, stood up, looked at Wu Xiuming, and said:

"Mr. Wu, sit down and rest first, I'll go to the kitchen to have a look."

After finishing speaking, Mother Lin walked slowly towards the kitchen.

His body was trembling, but he walked steadily with every step.

This is the back view of a mother waiting for her child to come back...

"Mom, why are you in the kitchen? I'll just cook these dishes!"

Lin Yun put down the vegetable basket in her hand, raised her head and said.

"Why, I'm not too old to move! You go out, next, I'll cook these dishes! Lu Li loves my dishes.

Mother Lin picked up the kitchen knife and prepared to cut the vegetables on the chopping board.

"Oh! Mom, I've been watching these dishes for so many years, and I'm almost ready!"

"The brine chicken, pork ribs, and trotters, I put cooking wine and salt, and they are marinated."

"There is also the braised meat with preserved vegetables, which is already steaming, and it will be served directly later.

Lin Yun pointed to these ingredients and told Lin Mu.

"There is one dish of tamales missing! What about rice noodles, I will make them now!"

Mother Lin looked at the dishes, counted them, raised her head and said to Lin Yun.

living room.

Wu Xiuming and the two sat on the sofa, watching Lin's mother walk towards the kitchen, Lin's father sighed.

"Oh, my old lady misses those two children so much..."

"A few years ago, the old city was about to be demolished, and most of the residents moved out to live in the new city... Nowadays, young people don't like to stay in their hometown.

Father Lin shook his head and continued.

"Earlier, when I heard that it was going to be demolished to our place, the old lady always refused to agree. The neighbors tried to persuade her, but she insisted on refusing..."

"There has been no news of the two children for more than 30 years. Every day, I just sit at the entrance of the alley and watch, waiting for the day when the two children will appear..."

As he spoke, Father Lin's voice became more and more choked up, and his eyes became reddish.

Listening to what Father Lin said, Wu Xiuming clenched his hands on his lap slightly.

Poor parents in the world.

Who doesn't want their children to be fine.

Father Lin's voice continued to sound.

"When I was young, the two children were very close, and they did everything together. Lin Xiao would bring Lu Li back for dinner if there was nothing to do, and the old lady even said that Lu Li was her godson.

"For so many years, our old couple have long regarded Lu Li as our own child..."

Wu Xiuming nodded.

I also am not.  …

"At that time, when I heard old lady Lin Xiao and the bad news, I couldn't accept it..."

"Hey, I haven't been back for so many years, and I guessed that something might have happened... But when this day really comes, I feel like the sky is falling..."

"Now Lin Xiao can be regarded as staying with us in a different way"

"Don't be too sad, you two elders, please stay healthy, Lu Li is still waiting to come and do your filial piety to you two elders.

Wu Xiuming raised his hand and patted Father Lin's shoulder, comforting him.

"Hey, at Lu Li's house...he doesn't have any relatives anymore...he can feel at ease with you all here."

Wu Xiuming said in a low voice.

At this time, a sound came from the kitchen.

"Old man, hurry up and buy another sea bass, and then look to buy some other vegetables..."

Father Lin heard Mother Lin's voice, got up and walked into the kitchen, and replied.

"Okay, I'll go right away, what else do you want to buy?"

"You go to the vegetable market to look around and buy. The most important thing is to buy a sea bass. I have to nourish Lu Li's body!"

Mother Lin saw Father Lin urging, and then continued to prepare.

Father Lin walked out of the kitchen, went to the living room, and said to Wu Xiuming.

"Mr. Wu, you drink water. The hospitality is not good, I will go out to buy some food first.

"You don't need to prepare so much, it's enough to eat!"

"It seems to be raining, don't forget to bring an umbrella!"

Wu Xiuming stood up, looked at Father Lin who was walking further and further away, and said.

It wasn't until Father Lin went out that he sat down, raised his hand, and took off his glasses.

He lowered his head and wiped the Fang coins out of his pocket.

in the kitchen.

Lin Mu and Lin Yun are preparing to make tamales, which is a dish that every household in Qiancheng will prepare during the festival.

This dish is also a favorite dish of Lu Li and Lin Xiao.....

Lin Mu first cut the pork belly into uniform slices about one centimeter thick, then added various seasonings, the most important thing is to add wine and marinate for 15 minutes.

Prepare tamales, which are sweet potato flour and rice flour mixed together.

Use the marinated meat slices, evenly coat the powder on both sides.

Then prepare potatoes, taro, etc., and put them in the bottom of the steamer.

When ready, steam the pot.

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