Holding an umbrella, Lu Li looked at the familiar street in front of her, as if she just walked through it yesterday. The road in her memory has never changed.

It was raining, and the whole city was shrouded in a blurred scene, and the lights on the roadside turned on at some unknown time.

Pedestrians on the road are in a hurry, as if they are separated from Lu Li, unable to blend in..

Passing by the city wall of the old city, stop and look up.

It is said that the city wall was built in the Song Dynasty, and now the wall is becoming more and more inclined, and the stone walls are covered with green moss, and some indistinct writing can be seen on some bricks.

Eyes are full of history, this city also has its unique taste...

Keep going, the road is wider, and the shops on the roadside have changed a lot.

After all, thirty years have passed...

Some things haven't changed.

The big banyan tree standing in the center of the old city is still the same, with a huge crown and luxuriant branches~.

Staying upright in place, witnessing the changes of the times and the development of history, it has always stood still.

After countless - times of storms.

But it still didn't hit it, like a pilot light, it didn't go out.

Leading, the direction home...

Lu Li stretched out her hand and stroked the trunk of the banyan tree.

The surface of the trunk and the surface of the bark are covered with wrinkles from time to time, and ants crawl across from time to time.

The rain drenched the crown of the tree, but the trunk was dry, and there was no wind and rain under the tree.

Lu Li put away her umbrella and looked up steadily.

There is a bird's nest on a branch, and the chirping of birds can be faintly heard.

Maybe the mother bird hasn't come back yet...

The corners of Lu Li's mouth hooked up.

There are some Red ribbons tied on the branches, with something written on it...

It's a desire, a hope, a hope.

Lu Li withdrew her hand, holding an umbrella, and looked at the residential building not far ahead.

#BE …

Lin Xiao's home.

Vaguely see White's cooking smoke rising....

It seems that there is a familiar fragrance in the air....

It feels like I haven't smelled it for a long, long time.

It is the taste in memory.

The dark clouds drifted away, the sky gradually cleared up, the rain stopped, and the wind stopped.

Tick-tock water drops drip along the canopy and flow down the eaves, making the air fresher.

Staring at it, he didn't move.

Lu Li took a deep breath, stepped up, and walked forward.

At this time, Lin Xiao's home.

"Mom, don't walk around, I'm dizzy from shaking, just sit and sleep!"

Lin Yun sat on the sofa, raised her hand and pressed her temple, and said as she watched Mother Lin walking back and forth on crutches in the living room.

"Old woman, don't go away, your feet!"

Father Lin followed behind Mother Lin and said.

"It's about time, why Lu Li hasn't come yet...it should be coming soon."

Wu Xiuming raised his eyes and looked at the clock hanging in the living room, and said.

"No, I'll go to the alley to see if Lu Li is here!"

"Quick, old man, let's go together!"

Mother Lin turned around and took Father Lin's hand and walked out.

Mother Lin suddenly stopped and said:

"Oh, old man, hurry up and get the rice crackers, let's go outside and wait!"

"Okay! I'll get it now!"

Father Lin turned around and went to the kitchen to get the rice crackers, put them on a plate, and took them out.

"Grandma! I want to wait with you too!"

"Me too, let's go together!"

The two little guys surrounded Mother Lin and said loudly.

After speaking, the little guy ran out.

Wu Xiuming stood up, looked at Father Lin and Mother Lin, and said.

"Okay! Let's go outside and wait for him! Lu Li is coming soon!"

Lin Yun put down her apron, and walked outside together with everyone.

On the table in the living room, there are all ready-made dishes on plates, waiting for someone to open it...

People came to the alley.

Aunt Zhang, the neighbor next door, was sitting at the door eating melon seeds, watching the whole family of the Lin family come out with rice crackers.

"Old Lin, Aunt Lin, what are you doing with your big family?"

Aunt Zhang asked while nibbling melon seeds.

"Aunt Zhang, my son is back today, and I'm waiting for him!"

Mother Lin straightened her body, looked at Aunt Zhang, and smiled.

Aunt Zhang stopped to put melon seeds in her mouth, her eyes were surprised.

Didn't the son of the Lin family die a long time ago? Last time someone came to deliver the ashes. Aunt Lin must have been stimulated by something... This big family accompanied her crazy...

Aunt Zhang shook her head, watching the members of the Lin family walking forward, the whole family was full of words.

At this time, Aunt Lin's husband came out, looked at Aunt Lin and said:

"What are you doing? I'm so dazed from eating melon seeds!"

"It's not me who is bewildered, it's Aunt Lin, she said her son is back, I really want to see who his son is!"

Aunt Zhang poked her head out and looked at the Lin family.

Lu Li walked and looked at the group of people who appeared in front of him.

Lin's father and Lin's mother, the years have left too many traces on them...

……ask for flowers…

Gray hair, stooped body, leaning on crutches.

And the little girl from back then has also grown up, and there are two children beside her.

In his hand... what else is he holding.

Everyone looked at the familiar figure that appeared in front of them, and stopped in their tracks.

Lin's mother suddenly burst into tears, her body trembled, and then she raised her hand to wipe it away quickly.

Lin's father's eyes were slightly red, and his straight back was bent down.

Lin Yun looked at the familiar figure, shook her body, and immediately supported the two children.

The two children looked at each other, and turned their heads to look forward.

That child hasn't changed much over the years, and still has the same spirit as before.

Looking too thin, I must have not taken care of myself.

We must make up for him.

Mother Lin walked towards Lu Li tremblingly and quickly on crutches.

Lin's father held the plate in one hand, and helped Lin's mother to walk forward with the other.

Lin Yun lowered her head and said to the two children:

"That's your Uncle Lu Li."

"Uncle Lu Li, I know, it's the one on the video."

"Uncle Lu Li, you look majestic...

The two children looked at Lu Li in front of them and said.

Lu Li walked forward quickly, supported Lin's father and Lin's mother with both hands, his eyes became soft, and he said with a smile:

"Uncle Lin, Aunt Lin, I'm back, long time no see."


"It's good to be back!.... It's good to be back!"

Lin's father and Lin's mother said together.

Mother Lin raised her hand to wipe her tears, grabbed Lu Li's arm, and said.

"Aunt made your favorite rice cracker for you, try it quickly, is it the same taste as before!"

Father Lin patted Lu Li on the shoulder, and sent the plate in his hand to Lu Li.

"Uncle Lu Li, quickly eat the rice crackers made by grandma, it's delicious!"

"Yeah yeah! I also like grandma's rice crackers the most!"

The two children gathered around Lu Li, raised their heads, and said to Lu Li.

Lin Yun raised her hand to wipe her eyes, and looked at Lu Li earnestly.

Lu Li looked at the rice crackers in front of him, his eyes flickered for a moment.

It seems to have seen every evening and morning in the past again, both of them would stand at the door to see off and greet.

Still the familiar smell, the familiar person, the rock-solid heart suddenly softened at this moment... Lu Li's eye sockets have turned red.

He picked up the rice crackers, took a bite, and took another bite.


The taste in my memory...hasn't changed at all.

At this moment, Lu Li's estrangement was finally dissipated

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