The National Male God is a Girl: BOSS Fancy Pet

Chapter 1125 I am this kind of person

The night clothes are still there, well piled under the bed, Zhan Bin must have seen it!

But why didn't she expose it? ?

Why not catch yourself?

Liuli only felt cold all over her body, those pitch-black eyes seemed to be looking over from the darkness, staring at her quietly, making her go numb all over!

"Card! Very good!"

Fang Junru became more and more excited as he watched, and couldn't help cheering when it finally ended.

Grass, it's over!

Over and over again!

It's so awesome!

I thought this shot would take two nights!

Look now, shit, it’s not necessary at all!

But it's strange to say, why can't I act well all the time, and suddenly I can act well? ?

"Zheng Ran, what did Xia Xi tell you when filming started?"

Fang Junru couldn't help asking.

"She asked me to look into her eyes, director, can this pass?"

"Come on, go back and rest!"

Fang Junru waved his hand, but the whole person fell into silence.

Look at the eyes? ?

Is it really an effect of acting? ?

Oh my god, isn't Xia Xi a newcomer, can he know the old man's tricks? ?

If this is really the case, wouldn't Xia Xi really blow the sky away? ?

Fang Junru worshiped a little in her heart, and when she looked at Xia Xi again, she became more and more pleasing to the eye.

"Well, Xiaoxi, not bad!"

"Director, you are also very good."

"Haha, don't compliment me!"

Fang Junru looked Xia Xi up and down: "I look forward to working with you often in the future."

"me too!"

Xia Xi smiled, turned and left.

The sky outside the set was already bright, and Xia Xi was insignificant staying up all night. Others were showing signs of fatigue, but she was still full of energy.

"Xiao Xi, you are so good, did you not get sleepy after shooting all night?"

The staff asked subconsciously.

"No, it's fine to shoot another day!"

Xia Xi smiled, with her current cultivation, she is fine without sleeping all day!

"you are great!"

The staff yawned and went back to rest.

Outside the set, the fans waiting were also sleepy to death, they didn't expect to shoot all night!

So sleepy, so tired, so hungry!

But I still want to wait for Xidian to come out, what should I do? ?

"Xi Dian, Xi Dian has come out!"

I don't know who yelled, and the drowsy fans immediately woke up.

"It's Xi Palace!"

Dressed in a dark spring outfit, with a smile on his face, and a person with exquisite facial features, that's right, Xi Dian! !

"Xidian, I love you, Xidian, come on!!"

The fans shouted with great enthusiasm.

"Husband, husband, I am your wife!"

Of course, some people shouted very openly, which attracted a few people to laugh.

Xia Xi also smiled and waved her hands. To be honest, she never thought that someone would wait for her outside.

"You waited all night?"

"Yes, Xidian, but we are not tired! Seeing you will make us feel nothing!"

"Yes, Xidian, although this time you're acting as the male lead, but come on, we will definitely support you!"

"Yes, as long as you appear, I can watch it more than a dozen times!!"

"Thank you, but it's really too late, go back and rest early!"

"We're not tired. When we saw you, we came back to life with full blood!"

"Yes, full of vitality!!"

Looking at the sincere smiling faces, Xia Xi couldn't help laughing.

This is true fan, okay? ? Those black fans who go to school to make trouble, compared with true fans, are really far behind, okay?

"Okay, to express my gratitude, for tonight's supper, I invite you to KFC across the street, you can order whatever you want, let's go!"

People who are nice to her, she will be nice to this person, she Xia Xi, that's the kind of person!

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