The National Male God is a Girl: BOSS Fancy Pet

Chapter 1126 What's the matter?

"What do you want to eat??"

"Xi Palace treats guests to KFC??"

"Oh my god am I dreaming??"

"My fan idol wants to treat me to supper!!"


"Hahaha, I recorded it, I recorded it!!"


"Husband woo woo woo, I love you even more husband, you're a crazy supper, it doesn't matter if you don't invite us, it doesn't matter if we invite you!!"

"That's right, Xidian, you don't need to invite us, we wait here willingly, we like you, that's why we wait here for you, we don't ask you for anything in return, we just need to see you !!"

The fans couldn't help screaming, they were really fascinated by Xia Xi, although it's not a big deal to invite them to dinner, it's the small things that make people feel caring and warm!

My Xidian is great!

So gentle and considerate! !

It's still very proud, okay, just order it casually! !

Xia Xi smiled slightly: "But I can't see my fans starving or freezing, come on, my little princes, eat some supper, warm up, and go home together after dawn, otherwise it's not safe! "

Xi Palace! ! !

Xi Palace! ! !

How can you be so nice! !

"Xi Dian, you are really right to be a fan!!"

"Xi Dian, I swear, I will never change my mind in this life, I will always be a fan of you!!"

"Woooooh, husband!! I love you even more, husband!!"

The fans became more and more excited, and they were so excited that they didn't want to come.

When the breakfast hamburger was stuffed into their mouths, many fans screamed excitedly.

"What should I do, I never thought KFC's burgers were so delicious!"

"Me too! This is definitely the best KFC I've ever eaten!"

"This milk tea tastes like Xi Dian's kiss!"

"Ni Zuo Kai is an old husband's kiss!!"

Early in the morning, KFC was crowded with people, and they were all screaming and screaming. How can there be the laziness and decadence of people who usually get up early to go to work? ?

By the way, what's going on here? ?

The staff at KFC are very confused.

Seeing the fans popping pink bubbles with satisfaction, Zhan Yu felt a little sour.

"What about mine??"

Zhan Yu leaned over and looked directly into Xia Xi's eyes.

Xia Xi smiled calmly, turned around and dragged him into the car: "Can you be the same as them?"

The moment he sat down, Zhan Yu became enlightened.

Well, what's so sour, he is Xiao Xi's boyfriend, these people are fans at best!

His status is definitely much higher than these people!

Zhan Yu narrowed his eyes, satisfied.

On the weekend, "Glass of the Marigold" continued to be screened, and fans had already moved their ponytails and sat in front of the TV to wait.

The moment Xia Xi in a unicorn suit came out, those who poured water did not pour water, and those who ate did not eat. Everyone stared at the screen in unison, looking at the cold and indifferent Zhan Shizi, who passed by Liuli indifferently. , leaving a stunning smile!

"God, did I, Xidian, laugh??"

"Did you laugh?? Laughing too fast seems to be an illusion!!"

"My God, people who never smile suddenly smile, it's really amazing!"

The fans were discussing, but when Zhan Bin led people to search the bottom of the bed, everyone's heart was raised.

"Wait! Did Zhan Bin see the night clothes under the bed?? It's so obvious, it's impossible not to see it! But why did she remind Liuli to put it away??"

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