The National Male God is a Girl: BOSS Fancy Pet

Chapter 1312 Who is your friend? President of the United States?

Will Cohen couldn't help but yelled, that little Oriental man is so fucking arrogant, so arrogant that he has an attitude of defiantly, it's really bad! !

He gritted his teeth angrily, and came to him to bargain with Cohen? ?

Anyone who can bargain with Cohen is rich as hell! !

You, an oriental kid who has nothing, want to get the right to screen with your mouth? ? Don't even think about it! !

Will Cohen snorted coldly, picked up the coffee with a proud face, and drank it down in one gulp.

"I'll let these Orientals know who owns the country of America!!"

disobedient? Don't be a man with your tail between your legs? ?

He will also tell these Orientals how hard it is to get away in the United States if you don't know how to promote! !

Will Cohen was still planning his wishful thinking, but he didn't know that his calculations had come to nothing.

Because from ten o'clock in the morning, major theaters have already started selling movie tickets for "To My Dear Brother"!

Not only other theaters, but even the movie theater run by the Cohen family has added this movie to the schedule.

Li Jinian, who was still depressed, aggrieved and helpless, was thinking about it. When he passed a movie theater, he suddenly saw a poster that he felt familiar with. Slot, isn't this the poster for the English version of "To My Dear Brother"? ?

Because he knew that it would be screened here first, Li Jinian prepared everything, including subtitles, English dubbing and posters, but because of Cohen's refusal, he thought all his efforts were in vain, but now? ?

Damn it, it was released without making any noise? ?

Is there a mistake? ?

Too fantastical, right? ?

Why doesn't he, the director, know about this! !

what happened! !

Li Jinian grabbed Xiaoxi abruptly, pointed at the poster in bewilderment, and stammered: "This, this, this, this..."

"Oh, it's already on the schedule? It's pretty fast!" Xia Xi said with a chuckle, and then said, "Shall we buy a ticket to go in and have a look, and by the way, let's warm up the scene for ourselves?"

Li Jinian \u0026 Luo Ximing: ...

Fuck, do you want to be so calm? ?

"It's not Xiaoxi, what's going on??"

lined up? ? So fast? ? Even if you find a movie theater that is willing to show it, the procedures in the United States alone are very troublesome. How could it be released suddenly? ?

Is there a mistake? ?

"Oh, it's just a favor from a friend I know."

Li Jinian: ...

Fuck, who is the friend you know? ? President of the United States? ? The efficiency is so high! !

"Want to see??"

Li Jinian: "emmm, okay..."

How can you not support your own film? ? ?

The four of them went into the cinema together and watched an American version of "To My Dear Brother".

However, because American people see that Chinese people all look the same, that is, the so-called face blindness, no one recognizes them at all. Xia Xi and Luo Ximing are two of the leading men.

But they have received a lot of praise, even after the movie is over, there are still many people talking about it.

"It feels like watching the godfather."

"No, no, it's like looking at San Francisco, interests or something."

"I think the acting is great, that Luo Rong is very beautiful, I thought it was a girl at one point!"

"Hahaha, I heard that this film has been shortlisted for this year's Golden Bear Award!"

"Oh, yeah, I wouldn't be surprised if this movie wins an award."

"Me too!"

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