Hearing what the audience said, Li Jinian felt somewhat relieved.

At least this film of his surpassed his previous films!

Although the previous films also won awards, when they were screened in other countries, the audience's response was actually relatively mediocre, and when they were screened in China, they even reached the embarrassing situation of returning to their country to die, otherwise he would not have returned to his country to die like this nickname.

However, this time the movie not only ended perfectly with a box office of 2.2 billion in Huaguo, but even if it left Huaguo and came to the United States, it seemed to have a good reputation!

Li Jinian took a deep breath, he was happy and even more excited!

"Director Li, congratulations, your film is not only popular in China, but also in foreign countries. You are worthy of being an international director, amazing!"

Xia Xi is not stingy with her praise. In her opinion, the films that can be recognized by these two big countries are definitely good films!

Li Jinian hesitated for a while, but couldn't hide his excitement for a while, and said a little embarrassedly: "Well, Xiaoxi, in fact, this time is thanks to you, if you didn't smash my Palme d'Or trophy when we met, maybe I wouldn't You will spare no effort to make this film, to be honest, everything you have done so far is due to you."

What Li Jinian said was all the truth. He really liked Xia Xi more and more. This liking was not only because of her stunning appearance, but more because of his affirmation of her personal charm.

Xia Xi is very attractive, and this charm is not limited to her talent and frivolity, but also manifested in many other places, making people unknowingly become Xia Xi's die-hard fan! !

He is almost like this now!

"Hehe, what does it have to do with me? You are the director. I'm just acting according to your ideas. I can only say, Director Li, you are really the best director!"

Li Ji Nian is beautiful, he is really happy, he suddenly feels that it is really worth it for him to put so much effort into this movie!

"Regardless of whether you can win the award this time, Director Li, I hope you can become a world-class director like that Cindy Pozzi. After all, our Hua Country is really too weak in this area!"

A world-class director? ?

Li Jinian suddenly felt a little emotional. Counting his age, he is already in his thirties, and he has already passed the age of youth. When he was still a student, when he was the most energetic, he once said to himself that he wanted to be a world-class student. The great director has just gone through so many ups and downs along the way, that he almost forgot his original intention.

After all, it is easy to be a director, but difficult to be a world-class director!

Li Jinian took a deep breath, turned his head and silently looked at the high-hanging posters in the movie theater, his eyes felt sore for a while.

Perhaps, it's time for him to look back and pick up his student days dream again!

"Okay! I will work hard and spare no effort to do it!!"

Li Jinian secretly encouraged himself, what happened in his early thirties? ? Eighty-ninety-year-old ladies are still taking college entrance exams!

Compared with the eighty or ninety-year-old old lady, he is much younger! !

"Let's go!"

The moment the majestic voice came out, I dreamed back to the campus in a trance.

The youthful years, the blood and passion, suddenly looked back, vaguely in front of my eyes.

He, Li Jinian, still needs to work harder.

And "To My Dear Brother" is still being released in major theaters.

With the number of screenings, the seats are getting more and more full.

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