The National Male God is a Girl: BOSS Fancy Pet

Chapter 1378 To revenge, or to organize group extermination?

The rest of the people were also stunned, they stared at the screen dumbfounded, and stared at Adversary in the encirclement.

"Brother Fei, you're about to die, what's going on??"

"How the hell do I know??"

Meng Fei took advantage of the opportunity to type on the channel bar, and wanted to ask what was going on with this Adversary, but unfortunately he had just started typing on the keyboard, and the Adversary in the encirclement moved in an instant, circled behind him in a flash, took out a dagger, and sealed his throat with a knife! !

Seeing his account turned into a corpse, Meng Fei couldn't help but choked out: "Fuck!"

"F-Brother Fei..."

The rest of the people were trembling. How divine is this Adversary? Does the operation need to be so sharp? ?

Is this the rhythm of death? ?

No, no, it's already dead, okay?

Seeing this, the rest of the people hurriedly made a big move, but unfortunately, the Adversary was like a roundworm in their stomachs, and put the remaining two people directly to lie down in the blink of an eye.

As a result, the world channel posted a row of news.

[System]: Adversary kills the little dragon man.

[System]: Adversary kills the little scourge.

[System]: Adversary killed Brother Fei.

[System]: Adversary kills Xiaobadao.

[System]: Adversary kills the little devil.

Mencius: ……………

Is this to avenge yourself, or to organize groups to exterminate? ?

When he was depressed, Meng Fei made a phone call, and when he came up, he yelled wildly.

"Fuck, where the hell did you provoke such a top quality?"

Mencius Zheng: ...

Why don't you say that you are inferior to others?

"Check it out for me, who the hell is she? You can't kill her in the game, but I don't believe you can't kill her in reality!!"

Meng Fei dropped the phone directly, staring at the screen covetously. If possible, he really wanted to kill this Adversary with his eyes. Unfortunately, after killing them all, Adversary didn't stay any longer. Instead, he walked away and even scolded Meng Fei. No chance of coming back.

"Tuk tuk!"

When the knock on the door sounded, Xia Xi went straight back to the city, then closed the game and opened the webpage.


Zhan Yu's voice was faint, with a bit of inquiry.


Xia Xi jumped off the chair and opened the door.

"Night snack."

Zhan Yu dragged the plate, which contained a piece of cheesecake and a glass of orange juice.


After taking things, Zhan Yu didn't seem to want to leave, so he stretched out his head and glanced at the computer.

"Shall I play games with you?"

"No, I want to prepare for the advertisement."


Brother is obviously targeting Xia Xi, but it doesn't matter, Xiao Xi has always won others' hearts by virtue of strength.

"Well, go to bed early."

Zhan Yu rubbed the top of her hair and turned around reluctantly.

The moment the door was closed, Xia Xi breathed a sigh of relief.

Adversary's identity cannot be discovered by others!

After eating all the snacks, Xia Xi took a shower and went to bed to rest.

Although I am still exercising normally, without the nourishment of herbs, the progress of cultivation is indeed not as fast as before. In addition, the energy of the energy stone has been exhausted, so the most urgent thing now is to find higher-level herbs and energy stones.

Otherwise, it may take three or four years to advance to the next level!

Xia Xi rubbed her hair. Although the imperial capital was noisy, the surrounding area of ​​the house was very quiet, perhaps because of the proximity to the school.

In such a quiet place, even a little sound will appear very clearly.

Xia Xi narrowed her eyes, staring quietly at the window.

The elf's eyes made her quickly notice the strangeness.

Someone is opening the window.



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