Xia Xi frowned, rolled up the quilt and pushed it under the blanket, pretending that someone was sleeping, then picked up the sterling silver fork for snacks, and gently stuck it to the window.

She is quietly waiting, the prey tonight.

The shadow was very professional and cautious, he was as nimble as a gecko, he landed on the balcony lightly, and glanced inside.

After confirming that the person inside was sleeping, the man nimbly pried open the window lock and jumped in.

The moment it landed on the ground, something cold stuck to its neck, followed by a cold voice: "It's you!"

Caesar let out a heck, and then looked at the ball on the bed, knowing that he had been fooled!

He raised his hands with a smile, and chuckled: "Okay, I'm a prisoner now. According to the international captive treaty, you should! Ugh!!"

Xiaoxi put her foot on Caesar's ass, and the man who kicked gave a low cry, Caesar gritted his teeth: "Boy, you kicked my ass, you are insulting me!"

"Flipping through the window in the middle of the night, is it reasonable for you?"

Caesar hehe: "I can't help it, I miss you!"

Xia Xi felt hairy all over, what was going on in this man's head? ?

"Yes, I miss you, my baby!"

Caesar slammed forward, broke Xia Xi's hand and twisted it violently. Xia Xi was startled, and then rolled forward. Before landing, the silver fork slammed into Caesar's throat!

Caesar dodged in surprise, and with a stab, the fork pressed against his collarbone, tearing a huge gash in his jacket.

A bloodstain quietly appeared in the darkness, Caesar clicked his tongue, ignored Xia Xi, and jumped out of the window, Xia Xi followed closely behind, stuck his head out, and saw Caesar lightly landed on the window. On the ground, he climbed out of the fence in a few steps and disappeared into the vast night.

Engage in a sneak attack?

This Caesar really hasn't changed at all!

And after chasing after him to the imperial capital, he even found a place to live? ?

Xia Xi narrowed her eyes and gritted her teeth secretly.

At this moment, in the corridor outside the door, Zhan Yu frowned, and glanced at the back of the hurriedly fleeing figure.

Is that Caesar? ?

Actually chased here? ?

Zhan Yu knocked on the window sill, and returned to the room a little annoyed.

What is the relationship between this person and Xiao Xi? ?

To be so persistent in chasing Xiao Xi.

Is it perverted?

Zhan Yu's face became more and more ugly.

He decided to strengthen the security around the room.

The military training course at the university was still going on, and Mencius was in a bad mood just because he was silenced in the game, and Meng Feituan was also murdered. Everyone has problems, everyone has problems.

But only when he saw Xia Xi, he squinted his eyes, snorted coldly, and didn't bother her again.

In September, the sun in the imperial capital is still very bright, shining powerfully on the eyes.

The students are undergoing military training under the scorching sun, and Mencius is the devil instructor.

"Turn right! Turn right! Turn right!"

"Hey, what's the matter with you, right and left?? Tell you to turn right, where are you going??"

It was Yu Qi who was caught again.

"Yes, I'm sorry..."

Yu Qi quickly turned around.

"I'm sorry, will the instructor tell you?? Go ahead, turn left!"

Most people turned left in an instant, but many people didn't realize it. Yu Qi turned the other way, face to face.

wrong again! !

Yu Qi was dumbfounded, and turned around quickly, caught it in a hurry, and tripped himself again.

"Yu Qi, come out!"

Yu Qi was so frightened that he broke out in cold sweat, and stood up frightened.

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