The National Male God is a Girl: BOSS Fancy Pet

Chapter 1392 Is your endorsement a bit far-fetched?

"Ask! What's the matter?"

"There is a tear there, can I give myself medicine?"


Still torn? ?

He Zhen's brain was dazed for less than a second, and then he woke up instantly, and then his eyes lit up.

"Why, my little apprentice couldn't stand the beauty next door, so he accidentally raped you??"

Matsutani: ……………

Can he strangle this old man? ?

"No, it's Young Master Xia."

"Xia Xi?" He Zhen seemed to have heard some shocking news: "Hahahaha, are you strong? I'll go, good boy, man! In this case, you must be strong if you want to be strong, hahahaha, good job !pretty!"

Matsutani: ………

"I mean, can Young Master Xia take the medicine by himself?"

"Silly, why did you let her apply the medicine by herself, and let Zhan Yu give it to her, maybe there will be a second shot!"

Song Gu couldn't help but blushed, oh my God, where's the promised monk? What about the experts from the outside world? ? Do you want to get dirty to this extent? ?

I think you are from the dirty star, right? ?

It was a mistake for him to call He Zhen! ! !

"Forget it, when I didn't say..."

Song Gu was about to hang up the phone, and He Zhen was in a hurry: "Wait, wait, let me tell you, during this period of time, you can't give Xia Xi food that is rich in oil and water, and don't eat spicy food. You should drink porridge three times a day, you know. Is it?"

Matsutani who was about to hang up the phone was stunned for a moment: "Why?"

"Does it hurt when your chrysanthemum splits and poops?"


Do you want to ask so bluntly! ! !

"Drinking porridge can reduce poop, silly!"


"If there's nothing else, take her temperature. Once it rises, it means she has an infection. Take her for an IV. By the way, let me see. I should have something Xia Xi can use here."


"Ah, I didn't bring it with me. I'm at home. When I go to Beijing in a few days, then..."

What a mess! !

Matsutani hung up the phone without thinking.

Although asking He Zhen also got a lot of replies, but there are more boring words than useful words!

However, porridge...

Song Gu looked at the rich breakfast he had prepared, thought for a while, and silently removed the fried ham, small bacon and fried bread.

Only the fruit salad was left, and then he cooked a thick preserved egg porridge.

Therefore, the final breakfast served in front of Zhan Yu and Xia Xi was: preserved egg porridge with lean meat, boiled eggs, and fruit salad.

Zhan Yu: ……………

Forget it, he should stop explaining.

After breakfast, Zhan Yu took Xia Xi directly to Huayu Universe.

Today is the day to negotiate with advertisers.

Ye Chen had been waiting at the door for a long time, and when he saw them coming in, he saluted Zhan Yu slightly, and then walked in front of Xia Xi.

"Yilan's marketing director, Mr. Lan, is already in the meeting room."

Xia Xi nodded, and a group of people came to the conference room.

Yilan, the top brand in China, is a brand independently developed by Huaguo people. Its products are mainly retro, natural and affordable, but the only problem now is that it cannot compete with international big brands.

This is the habit of Chinese people, who always think that foreign cosmetics are beauty tools.

Indeed, there are many useful things for foreigners, but the same is true for Yilan, who also have their main star products.

That's why they wanted to find domestic first-line artists to help them make a top-notch advertisement and open up the market.

Lan Wenhua bowed her head to confirm the information in her hand. To be honest, she really likes Xia Xi as an artist.

However, is it a bit far-fetched to find a man to endorse women's cosmetics? ?

Or is it that Huayu doesn't pay much attention to himself, a domestic cosmetics company?

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