The National Male God is a Girl: BOSS Fancy Pet

Chapter 1393 Too ruined the image

Having made up her mind, Lan Wenhua decided to talk to Huayu's senior management about this matter later. If possible, she would choose Zhang Shiyu.

As a newly promoted little queen, Zhang Shiyu is very popular and has a pretty face, which should make Yilan's positioning more high-end.

While thinking, the door of the office was pushed open, and Ye Chen led Xia Xi and others slowly walked in.

"Boss Lan!"

"Ye Chen? Haha, you are Xia Xi's manager, very nice."

Lan Wenhua glanced at Xia Xi, and couldn't help being amazed that Xia Xi in reality was more beautiful than Xia Xi in front of the camera.

This boy's beauty is very feminine, with a hint of femininity, but it doesn't make people feel feminine, but has a heroic and valiant publicity and handsomeness.

"I don't know how Mr. Lan's advertising plan is doing? How do we need Xia Xi to cooperate?"

Ye Chen had a businesslike tone.


Lan Wenhua smiled, and looked at Xia Xi subconsciously: "Xia Xi is a very good artist, both in popularity and acting skills have been recognized by the public, I personally like you very much."

Xia Xi raised her eyebrows. According to her past experience, she usually said something good at the beginning, but the next thing she said would not be so good.

Sure enough, Lan Wenhua had a butt, and a big turning point came.

"But, we are cosmetics. Isn't it inappropriate for Xia Xi, who is a man, to represent us?"

Ye Chen pushed his glasses, and the lenses shone a little bit.

Having said that, doesn't President Zhan also hope so?

Let Xia Xi make a fool of himself, or retreat in spite of the difficulties.

"Mr. Lan, Xia Xi is an excellent entertainer. It is very suitable to find her to speak for this matter."

Ye Chen still had a businesslike tone.

"This, I know, I also admit that Xia Xi is very popular, but cosmetics have never been endorsed by men before!"

"But we have connections and enthusiasm, so you can rest assured that we can deliver goods."

"I'm not worried about that..."

What Lan Wenhua was struggling with was a gender issue.

If it doesn't work out, it's a trivial matter if Xia Xi's image is feminine, but if it affects the company's performance, it's a big deal.

"Mr. Lan, I don't think you need to worry."

Xia Xi narrowed her eyes and smiled slightly: "Why don't you show me the advertising plan first, if I think I can't endorse, I won't accept it either."

Lan Wenhua was stunned for a moment, thinking about it, it seemed that Xia Xi was right, and she didn't want to cause a deadlock in the relationship between the two companies because of this problem.

"Okay, this is our plan."

After taking the folder, Xia Xi went through the whole process, and then was speechless.

No matter how you look at it, this commercial is for female artists, so it's no wonder that Lan Wenhua would be entangled, even if it was her, she would still be entangled.

Do you think there will be men wearing facial hair bands, putting on makeup and makeup in front of the camera for commercials? ?

It's too image-destroying, okay?

So, this is absolutely impossible! !


Xia Xi closed the proposal and pushed it to Lan Wenhua: "I can't shoot this commercial."

Lan Wenhua is happy, Xia Xi is not an unreasonable person, and this project is indeed not suitable for boys to shoot!

"However, I still hope to cooperate with Yilan."

Xia Xi hooked the corners of her mouth, and looked at Lan Wenhua with a smile: "So, I will come up with the advertising plan, give me three days, Mr. Lan, you can pick and choose at that time, if you still choose this plan , I will withdraw, and the endorsement artist is up to you to choose."


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