The National Male God is a Girl: BOSS Fancy Pet

Chapter 1414 Imperial University Military Parade

"Your Highness Xiaoxi, you are so handsome!"

Lan Yinuan walked over with a smile, and the three of them gathered together, instantly becoming a beautiful landscape on the freshman playground.

The three people represent three different types of handsomeness, which dazzles the viewers.

"Oh my god, I suddenly feel that it's really not wrong to study hard to get into the God Capital University!"

"Yeah, I really didn't test in vain, they are all handsome guys!!"

"Not only my Xi Palace, but also Young Master Zhan and Young Master Lan!!!"

"No matter which one, I can lick the screen for a long time!"

"No, no, I still support Xidian, Xidian is the most handsome!"

The sisters gathered together and muttered excitedly.

But Xia Xi and the three of them devoted themselves to intense cooperative training.

After all, the three of them are the highlight before the start of the competition!

"That, that... Xia Xi..."

Taking advantage of the rest time, Yu Qi walked over shyly, bowed his head and said, "I, I'm still a little nervous."

Xia Xi smiled and helped Yu Qi fit the hat: "Don't be nervous, you have practiced very well, as long as you follow the method I taught you, you will not make mistakes!"

"Xi Dian, you are so handsome!"

Seeing Yu Qi here, some girls boldly surrounded him.

"Come on for the game in a while."

The girl nodded again and again: "Don't worry, Xidian, everyone went there for that credit, and you have taught us many times!"

In fact, what everyone admires from the bottom of their hearts is not how good Xia Xi's movies are, but what they admire from the bottom of their hearts is Xia Xi's character.

Not proud, not pretentious, but also patiently helping the whole class to practice together.

It's really not something ordinary people can do.

"Xi Dian, I saw your Yilan ad. It looks so handsome. When I went to buy it, the foundation was sold out. Fortunately, I bought it quickly, otherwise the facial cleanser would also be out of stock!!"

"Me too, Xidian, I'll tell you secretly, I even tore up the posters in the subway!"

"My God, you are too, and so am I! Because I saw that a lot of them have been torn off, I thought that if I don't tear them off, they will disappear, so I tore one off!"

"Me too!!"

The girls gathered together and chatted happily, and surrounded by two of the three flag bearers of today's guard of honor.

But even so, the two people inside are very dazzling.

Mencius glanced at it, then sneakily took out his phone, took a photo that was not clear, and sent it to his grandfather Meng Jingzhong.

Soon, Meng Jingzhong turned on the phone and shouted angrily: "You boy, even if you don't send a photo clearly, how do you make your grandpa and my presbyopic eyes think!"

Mencius was depressed: "This is a candid shot, grandpa, it was a candid shot, how could it be so clear?"

"Aren't you stupid, wouldn't you get a high-definition one if you took a photo together?"

Mencius blinked his eyes, admiringly: "Grandpa, you are so old, you can still use your brain so well, and you don't have dementia or anything. It's really great!"

"Brat, do you want to die?"

"Hey, wait for my picture!"

Mencius hung up the phone happily.

Don't worry about taking photos. When the competition reaches the end, there will definitely be a link to take photos with the instructors.

"Beep beep beep!!"

When the whistle sounded, everyone quickly stood up according to the class.

The morning practice was over. Zhan Yu held the school flag and stood in a good position. Xia Xi and Lan Yinuan also cheered up and stood on the left and right respectively.

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