The National Male God is a Girl: BOSS Fancy Pet

Chapter 1415 What the hell is undercutting again?

With the sound of passionate military music, under the instructor's command, the team slowly stepped into the playground.

Many people held up their cameras to shoot, and some set up cameras. On the rostrum, the principal and leaders of various departments came, and many soldiers with stars on their shoulders also stood on the rostrum.

Set up the gun, look to the right, straighten the distance, look forward, and walk together!

A series of actions flowed smoothly, and the three handsome young men became a beautiful landscape on the campus.

People looked over subconsciously, looking at the person standing upright like a javelin.

The sound of trampling military boots is uniform, from far to near, with momentum and the upright military posture of a soldier, they come rustling!

"This year's military parade looks so handsome and spectacular!"

Some seniors who came to watch could not help but exclaim.

"That's right, and don't you think the movements of these freshmen this year are very neat?"

"I think it's because we have Xidian as the flag bearer! He's so handsome!"

"But the standard bearer is also very handsome, especially when he wears white gloves, is there anyone who is super cold and abstinent!"

"Hey, I knew I would have been admitted after repeating the exam for a year!"

People laughed and stared at the teams on the playground as they passed by.

Yu Qi swallowed, took a deep look at Xia Xi, the team leader in front of him, and mustered up his courage again.

Yes, he has already practiced, there is no problem, as long as it is the same as when we contacted before!

The moment the password sounded, Yu Qi raised his arms suddenly, recalling Xia Xi's words in his head.

Be strong, keep an eye on your surroundings from the corner of your eye, focus on what is ahead of you, and remember that you are in a team, not yourself performing!

Yu Qi gritted her teeth and insisted, no matter whether she was walking in unison or walking forward, she tried her best to achieve the standard, uniform!

"To the left!"

When the password sounded, Yu Qi's brain was tense. He remembered the secret method Xia Xi gave him, instantly found the direction, and turned around!


This time, no one in their class made mistakes!

Mencius was straightening his big-brimmed hat nervously, his palms were sweaty.

He was most worried about Yu Qi, but fortunately, this kid did nothing wrong!

"turn right!"


Another uniform movement, this class seems to be covered with a miracle light, it is outrageously neat.

"turn back!"


When these three actions were completed, loud applause broke out on the rostrum.

The principal couldn't help but nod, this class is doing very well!

Until the military parade is over, the principal speaks, and finally, announces the best class this time.

"Department of Economics, class one!"

"Wow!! It's us!! Awesome!"


"Hahaha, I didn't practice for nothing, I didn't practice for nothing!!"

There was a burst of cheers from the first class.

Yu Qi also clenched his fist secretly and looked at Xia Xi.

Thanks to Xidian! !

One point for the whole class! !

Before this semester started, everyone in their class had one more credit than other classes!

Wonderful! !

Yu Qi was happy.

After the military parade, the whole class wanted to take a photo together. Mencius came to his class triumphantly and took a group photo first. When he wanted to take a photo with Xia Xi alone, Xia Xi had disappeared.

Mencius Zheng: ...

What should I do with the high-definition uncensored photos for grandpa now! !

Looking down at the group photo just taken, Xia Xi was also in it, dressed in a handsome and neat white military uniform, and it was quite clear.

Just as Mencius thought about it, he simply handed over the photo and settled the matter.

Meng Jingzhong who received the photo: ……………

This kid, what a shame! ! !

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