The National Male God is a Girl: BOSS Fancy Pet

Chapter 1469 If you buy it, you can kiss Xidian!

It has been more than a month since Yilan's advertisement was released. According to the plan, the second part of the series of advertisements should be put on the agenda.

The content of the first part is Cinderella, and the content of the second part is Snow White.

This is a well-known fairy tale, and the shooting method still uses the first one, which is completely shot from the perspective of Snow White, which is the legendary first perspective.

After Shen Xing finished styling Xia Xi, she subconsciously took a step back with emotion on her face.

My Xidian is really suitable for a princely outfit! !

Is there a super handsome one? ! !

This time, the clothes were changed to military uniforms. The pure white stand-up collar was inlaid with gold trim, and the pure white suit and trousers set off the person extremely gorgeously, almost like a prince in person.

A wave of photos was posted on the Internet again, and there was another burst of licking the screen.

This advertisement has made many fans look forward to it.

Last time it was Cinderella, this time it was Snow White, last time it was foundation and what is it this time! ! !

Many people have even started to add Yilan's products to their shopping carts, waiting for the advertisement to come out, and rush to buy the same product!

However, this advertisement is really full of hormones!

Everyone is familiar with the story of Snow White, who ate a poisoned apple and was placed in a crystal coffin by the dwarves until Prince Charming appeared.

The prince played by Xia Xi stared happily at the princess in the crystal coffin, but from the audience's point of view, she was looking at the screen with joy.

Her smile is very gentle, and her facial features make her more beautiful. She looks like a cheerful and sunny nobleman. Every frown and smile can make people addicted.

"Wake up, my beautiful princess."

Xia Xi leaned over politely, instead of offering a kiss, she took out a lipstick and gently painted the most beautiful color on the princess.

"Then, be my most beautiful bride."

It was still the same sentence that made people blush and heartbeat. When all the female audiences were obsessed with their hearts, Snow White slowly opened her eyes and woke up quietly. Then, she grabbed the lipstick and buried her head in the arms of the prince happily.

At this moment, the narration sounded, still the same sentence: Yilan, be my most beautiful bride.


"Lipstick lipstick lipstick!! This time the single product is lipstick, hurry up!! Go buy it now!!"

"Color number color number, this time the color is garnet red!!!"

As soon as the advertisement came out, many girls quickly scanned the goods on the certain treasure, so that those who were slow-handed could not get it on the certain treasure at all, so they had to transfer to the counter!

But this time, fortunately, Lan Wenhua made preparations in advance, so that after carrying it for three days this time, the same lipstick was sold out!

And when new advertisements come out, naturally new posters have to keep up.

The poster this time was not taken from the advertisement, but a new one was shot directly.

A close-up of Xia Xi's front, with pomegranate red lipstick lightly applied to her lower lip, like a casual swipe, or like Snow White's mischievous masterpiece, under the poster, there is a row of lipsticks, the slogan is still written in a bright Place: "Yilan, be my most beautiful bride."

As soon as the poster was posted, it was quickly torn off again.

In their opinion, in this poster, Xidian's eyes are more charming, and the pomegranate red lipstick on her lips is even more imaginative, as if she was kissed with lipstick on!

It's just full of hormones! !

It's too sexy, isn't it, isn't it! ! !

"No matter what, I must buy the same lipstick, because I always feel that if I buy it, I can kiss Xi Dian!!!"

Although shy, the sisters still held this belief and rushed to the counter to pack the same style!

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