Zhan Yu also bought a lipstick of the same style.

Garnet red number.

As for why he bought it, Zhan Yu couldn't explain clearly, men don't need this kind of thing, but seeing Xiaoxi's advertisement, he subconsciously bought one and hid it in his room.

Take it out to take a look before going to bed, as if you really saw Xiaoxi on the poster with the same lipstick on.

Thinking that one day the boy might put on this lipstick, squint his eyes and wait for him to kiss, he will subconsciously look forward to it and get excited.

So, let's keep it, in case it can be used in the future? ?

Zhan Yu narrowed his eyes, thinking.

However, almost two months have passed, there is no movement on the elder brother's side, and there is no movement on Xiaoxi's side. The elder brother's purpose is very clear, and Xiaoxi, what is she planning to do? ?

Zhan Yu was a little anxious.

In the past two months, if Xiaoxi took over the filming of movies and TV shows, she would earn at least a few million, but until now, except for one advertisement, she has nothing...

Zhan Yu frowned, thought for a while, and knocked on Xiaoxi's door anyway.

"What's up?"

Xia Xi appeared at the door in that rabbit pajamas, with long rabbit ears hanging down from her hat, and her soft curly hair trembling, just like a soft rabbit.

Zhan Yu narrowed his eyes, held back for a long time but still couldn't hold back, reached out and rubbed the top of Xia Xi's hair.

"It's been two months, we can't go on any longer, tomorrow we'll go to Huayu Global to find my brother..."

"Hehe, okay, but it's not us looking for him, but him, looking for us."

Xia Xi narrowed her eyes, and a calm and indifferent smile appeared on the corner of her mouth. Her eyes were full of confidence, and her smile was even more beautiful.

Even though she is wearing a soft bunny outfit, her smile reveals the decisive and confident appearance of an elite. This great contrast appears on Xia Xi, not only will it not be abrupt, but it will make people feel amazing!

The ultimate contrast can always bring out the ultimate surprise.

"My brother, looking for you?"

Zhan Yu felt a little unbelievable.

Since brother intends to hide Xia Xi in the snow, he won't look for her at all!

Since he was looking for her, there must be something wrong!

"What did he ask you for?"

Xia Xi shook the phone in his hand, the message was written clearly.

"Talk about the salary of the advertisement."

Zhan Yu frowned.

It seems that it will not be a good thing.

The contract clearly states that Xiaoxi will be given 30% and 70%, that is, the company will take 70% and Xia Xi will take 30%. But all along, he will give Xiaoxi 10% more, but my brother will not, he will definitely follow the contract of!

"Xiao Xi, I will help you fight for it tomorrow, and cancel the 37 points..."

When he first made the decision, he never thought that he would fall in love with a man!

But now, if he likes it, he likes it. There is no way, he won't let Xiaoxi suffer under his nose!

So, since this one was decided by himself, then he did the same, and changed it himself!

"Hehe, let's talk about it tomorrow, rest first, good night!"

Xia Xi narrowed her eyes, stood on tiptoe, and lightly pressed a kiss on Zhan Yu's cheek, then closed the door with a proud face, and went to sleep.

At the door, Zhan Yu was completely stunned.

Subconsciously touching her cheek, there seemed to be warmth there, the temperature of the corners of Xia Xi's lips.

Xiao, Xiaoxi actually took the initiative to kiss him?

Does this mean that their relationship has gone a step further?

Zhan Yu was silently sweet in his heart, and after a while, he turned around and went back to sleep with a sweet smile.

And Xia Xi is also in a good mood, she knows that tomorrow, the battle will be miserable.

Frozen? Ha ha, too whimsical!

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