Even though Odie Cohen told her with a smile on his face, Meddy didn't believe him.

This man had lied to her thirty years ago. Even after thirty years had passed, the wound was still there. She would never trust this man wholeheartedly!

But Xi won't.

She will believe in Xi!

"I know what to do!"

Frowning, he successfully hacked into the security system of the United States, retrieved the camera video, and in an instant, Xia Xi's every move appeared on the computer screen.

She looks like a director now, carefully analyzing every point, never missing a single point.

Meddy stared at the screen with some forgetfulness. It was impossible for her to have no feelings for Team Xi for so many years.

"Hey, did you forget your last name?"

Odie's voice was gloomy and cold, Meddy froze for a moment, and quickly reacted.

Odie snorted coldly, picked up the phone indifferently, and ordered in a deep voice: "Go to the south coast and kill that Xi for me!"

Now that he has come to his territory, he will never let it go!


United States, West Coast.

After finishing the last shot, everyone stretched.

It was late at night, but the West Coast was still brightly lit.

Lin Zhena ran to Xia Xi's side, hesitated for a moment, and then asked: "Well, young master, sister Su Mi is in the United States, right?"

Xia Xi froze for a moment, Su Mi hadn't appeared for a long time, she thought everyone had forgotten about this person.


She responded indiscriminately, anyway, she is considered to be in the United States, isn't she?

"Well, can I see Miss Sumi?"

With a slight pause in her footsteps, Xia Xi looked over in surprise.

Lin Zhena blushed slightly: "I, I don't mean anything else, I, I just want to thank her, if she hadn't encouraged me back then and waited for me to practice, I, I think I might have the glory I have now..."

Xia Xi smiled: "Really, don't worry, there will be a chance to tell her."

Wait a minute, she's about to resume women's clothing.

"Okay, okay..."

Lin Zhena was a little overwhelmed, and when she looked up, she realized that the two of them had already walked a long way.

The coastline is far behind, and the road here is far away from the busy city, which looks a bit cold and desolate.

The light of the street lamp was extremely dim, until Xia Xi keenly saw a small bright spot moving slowly on Lin Zhena's body!

That is……

Sensitive as Xia Xi, she immediately knew what it was, and without even thinking about it, she rushed towards Lin Zhena, and the two of them rolled into the grass by the side of the road!


On the road where the two landed, a bullet sparked a little spark, and then everything was quiet.

Lin Zhena's face turned pale with fright, she was terrified and wanted to ask aloud, Xia Xi directly covered her mouth, pressed her tightly under her body, and then slowly poked out her eyes.

The surrounding grass was so tall that it could barely block the figures of the two of them. The dim street lamps above helped a lot. Under the shadow of the grass, everything was indistinct, making it difficult to see clearly.

Xia Xi narrowed her eyes and became more and more calm. This is, assassination!

It seems that the people of the Cohen family have started to act!

If it was the Cohen family, she thought she probably knew why they kept making trouble for themselves.

Narrowing her eyes, Xia Xi clicked her tongue. If she was given a gun now, she would definitely be able to headshot that stupid killer hiding in the darkness with one shot!

However, before she could move, there was already the sound of fighting not far away. She raised her head subconsciously, and saw Jimmy and the black widow dragging a leg each, and directly threw a beaten half-disabled body in front of her.

"Fuck, I'm tired of work, dare to attack our boss!"

"Damn, you're so fat!"

Xia Xi: ...

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