Xia Xi was speechless for a while, well, she forgot one thing, she brought all the members of Adversary here!


Then I'm sorry, Mr. Killer, I can only count you as unlucky!

Who sent you straight into Adversary's nest? ?

"Give me the gun."

Xia Xi hooked his fingers, and Jimmy immediately handed over the pistol. Seeing this, the half-mutilated killer trembled in fright, and begged on his knees: "Don't kill me, don't kill me, I confess, I will tell you what I know Fully explain..."

"shut your mouth!"

Xia Xi loaded the bullet: "Whether you say it or not, I know it all!"

That is to say, whether he lives or not doesn't matter at all? ?

I thought that what I knew could save my life, but I didn't expect that everyone knew it all! !


The killer was very depressed, staring timidly at the muzzle of the gun, silently thinking God bless...

Please, don't kill him! !

However, Xia Xi just raised the gun indifferently, pointing the muzzle at a small red dot that lighted up slightly in the darkness in the distance, then, hooked the corner of her mouth, and fired!

"Pfft!" With a gunshot, the camera instantly shattered, and Meddy, who was connected to the other side of the camera, looked pale.

Xi, I know everything!

She knew that she was looking at her through this camera!

There are also bullets fired, not to get rid of her surveillance, but to warn her that once she, Meddie, appears, it will be the time of death! !


Although reborn, you are still the same as before, omnipotent! !

At this time, the West Coast.

"Captain, what shall we do?"

Xia Xi glanced at Lin Zhena who was trembling with fright, and said, "Zhena, you and the widow go back first, and Jimmy and I will call the police."

Lin Zhena doesn't know why, but she still knows that the United States can hold guns, and Jimmy and the widow sister are both American, so she is not surprised why these two people are so fierce.

"Okay, okay, young master."

"Don't mention anything when you go back. It will save everyone from worrying. I will finish it soon."

"Okay, okay."

After the Black Widow left with Lin Zhena, Xia Xi hooked the corners of her mouth and pointed her gun at the killer: "If you want to blame, blame the person who sent you here. You still don't know who I am, do you? Then I'll give you a call." Hello, I'm Xi from Adversary!"

At that moment, the killer seemed to remember something, and his whole face suddenly twisted, with horror written all over it! !

Yes, panic!

Because as long as you are a killer, no one doesn't know Adversary's Xi!

The woman who created Adversary single-handedly, and developed Adversary into a world-renowned mercenary group, it is said that Xi is very powerful and tyrannical, killing people without blinking an eye...

"You...you are Xi? Xi, isn't she already dead?"

The killer said in horror.

However, Xia Xi just hooked the corner of her mouth, smiled slightly, and pulled the trigger: "You know too much!"

After the gunshot, there was a dead body on the ground, Xia Xi blew the barrel of the gun, and threw the gun directly to Jimmy.

"team leader?"

"Old rules!"

After giving the order, she waved her hand indifferently, turned around and left, leaving Jimmy licking his lips excitedly!

Old rules?

Haha, the captain said the old rules? ?

It's so cool!

He hasn't done a good job for a long time!

Reaching out to load the gun, Jimmy knew that one of the Cohen family must die tonight. Adversary's rules, no matter who came to assassinate, whether the assassination failed or succeeded, the family that sent the assassin must die!

Therefore, everyone on the road knows that if you mess with Adversary, you will die!

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