The National Male God is a Girl: BOSS Fancy Pet

Chapter 1950 Information Leakage?

As for what Jimmy does, Xia Xi doesn't care. What she has to do now is to bring people back to China for post-editing.

Adair has nothing to do, so he naturally followed Xia Xi back to Huaguo to continue playing. Anyway, he is not thinking about filming now, he wants to be himself more, and have fun by the way.

It was hard for his agent to persuade him with all his heart, but Adair didn't want to listen at all! !

I am such a casual man! Hehehe~~~~

Like a gust of wind blowing from America, Adair followed Xia Xi back to China in an instant.



At this time, disharmonious voices broke out on Huaguo's Internet.

It's about Xia Xi.

Said that she robbed her biological father's company, kicked her biological father out of the house, ignored her sister, even made troubles, etc...

As for Xia Xi's news, once it is released, it will always be very popular, and this post is no exception.

When Xia Xi saw it, she had just returned to the villa in the imperial capital, but just as she sat down, there was a knock on the door outside.


Under normal circumstances, no one will knock on the door here.

Looking up, Uncle Song is no longer here. Now that Zhan Yu is going home, Uncle Song follows him. It seems that He Zhen and Hong Xu are not at home either, so they probably went somewhere to cheer up.

Xia Xi rubbed her eyebrows, did He Zhen forget to bring the key?

She thought for a while, walked to the door in her slippers, and opened the door: "Senior, did you forget to take the key?"

Then he opened the door and noticed that it wasn't He Zhen standing outside the door at all, but two girls whom he had never seen before.

The two girls immediately became excited when they saw Xia Xi: "Xi Dian, it's really Xi Dian!!"

"Yes, Xidian, you really live here!"

"I'm so happy to see Xi Dian in real life. Can you sign us? Can we take a photo together?"

"Yes, yes, Xidian, please sign and take a photo!!"

Facing the excited fans, Xia Xi couldn't laugh for the first time, she looked back, this is indeed her home.

The surrounding area is indeed surrounded by tall bamboo forests. It stands to reason that this place is tightly blocked. How did these people find this place!

Xia Xi smiled calmly, took the small book handed over, signed it, took a photo, and asked: "How did you find this place?"

"Ah, someone posted in the circle of friends that Xidian lives here, we just tried to come and see, but we didn't expect Xidian to be here! So excited!"

"Well, thank you for your support, but I have to rest. I just returned to my country and I have jet lag."

"Okay, Xidian, you have a good rest, we won't disturb you!"

After seeing off the fans, Xia Xi closed the door and narrowed her eyes.

My personal information has been leaked!

And someone leaked it on purpose, who could it be? !

When the eyebrows were thick, there was another noisy sound outside.

"Is Xidian really here?"

"It seems to be oh, that person is talking about here!"

"But it's really hidden here!"

"And it's so luxurious, I think Xidian must be here!!"

"Yes, yes, let's knock on the door and try!"

When the knock on the door rang again, Xia Xi didn't say anything, just took the necessary salute, jumped out from the back window, and went straight to the street to hail a taxi.

After reporting the address where grandpa lives now, Xia Xi lowered the brim of her hat and hid herself in the dark shadows.

Strange, who would be the one who exposed her information?

It stands to reason that no one would know where she lived.

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