The National Male God is a Girl: BOSS Fancy Pet

Chapter 1972 Girl, you want to go to heaven!

Several people walked into the office, flipped through to the end, it really looks more and more like it!

Are they the same height? The bar is also similar, and even the momentum of gestures is also similar!

"So, this is what our young master's women's clothing looks like?"

Chen Nan covered her mouth in surprise.

"Simply, it's so beautiful!!"

Qin Fang's eyes lit up.

"It doesn't matter if our young master can be male or female, the male is handsome and the female is beautiful, really, let us live!"

Qin Fang yelled: "House goddess, goddess!!"

"Chen Nan!"

Su Qing's voice exploded in the office, the three flinched and turned their heads.

Su Qing's hair is all messed up, and her clothes are also messed up. She can only imagine how she came here after traveling all the way.

"Where's my dad?? Where's my dad?!"

"Boss Su, I'll take you right away!"

Chen Nan thought that something happened to Su Qingge, so he took Su Qing to find Su Qingge without saying a word.

The old man was reading a book, a thick and headache-intensive philosophy book, when he heard the sound and saw Su Qing coming, he subconsciously put down the things in his hand and looked over with calm eyes.

"Dad, Dad, what's going on?!"

Until now, her daughter is still kept in the dark? ?

It feels as if the whole world knows, but she doesn't know anything! !

Su Qingge waved at Chen Nan, and Chen Nan had no choice but to leave.

When there were only two people left in the room, Su Qingge smiled apologetically: "I've been keeping it from you, I'm really sorry."

Su Qing's face changed drastically, that is to say, is everything said on the Internet true? ?

For so many years, she has always thought that she gave birth to a son. Now, you tell her that Xia Xi is a daughter? ?

daughter! !

"Dad, it doesn't matter if Xiaoxi is a boy or a girl, she is my child. Even if it was revealed a few days ago that he and Zhan Yu... But I'm thinking about it. As long as she can be happy, as long as Zhan Yu is sincere, Xiaoxi Xi can like anyone she wants! But, why are you hiding it from me, why!!"

Su Qing feels wronged, she is also Xiaoxi's biological mother! !

Su Qingge pulled the man to his side, and said softly: "Su Qing, Dad can tell anyone, except you!"

"Do you know that at that time Chen Yurong had already encouraged Xia Wei to divorce you. Xia Wei was only worried about the child in your womb. He wanted a son. If it was a son, he would not divorce."

Su Qing's eyes became sore, and she cried even harder: "But Dad, I'd rather divorce him."


Su Qingge patted the back of Su Qing's hand fiercely: "Don't think about it, you still have the Su family in your hand, and Xia Wei has been watching! If there is a collapse at that time, we will have nothing!"

Xia Wei has been planning for so many years, and everything is under control. If there was a collapse, the Su family would have nothing, so Jing Yun and himself came up with such an idea to hold Xia Wei back, and take Gu Huaiyuan's son Gu Cheng by the way. Placed next to Xia Wei.

People, always have to calculate the path you want to go, and you can't be blind, otherwise you will be lost forever!

Knowing all this, Su Qing bit her lips tightly, she felt that she was really incompetent!

Blindly found a scumbag, and made my parents worry about me!

But fortunately, Xiao Xi strives for success!

"Then I'll go back to public relations now!"

"No, just go back and stabilize the company. During this period of time, Su's stock will be very volatile, and its performance will plummet, but you have to remember that it will get better soon. Xiaoxi said that you have to borrow With this battle, we will directly explore overseas markets.”

overseas market? ! !

Su Qing was stunned, she suddenly understood that the pusher behind this wave of blackness was probably Xia Xi herself! !

Son, no, girl, you want to go to heaven!

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